#2: GIF & GIF Post Narratives

First day of CT101 I really thought “oh wow sweet a computer class, I love computers” “work should be ez”…..

Donald Trump GIF by reactionseditor - Find & Share on GIPHY

Its offically Time to do assignemt 7 and here I am on #2…..
I wouldnt be able to call my self a procrastinator if i didnt procrastinate, now can I?

The course is fun even tho I am the student who was absent for the past like 4-5 days. (literally lost count). I really come home to sit on the computer but I started to leave open the CT101 class to remind me what Ive been missing… but I STILL FORGET

Angry Chicken GIF by happydog - Find & Share on GIPHY

This class is so expressive, as a art major this gives me insight into my future and what the online world offers, so I can then utilize it for my own gain. Intangible products make the best revenue in my opinion, which is a goal for me to learn how to do. This all starts with my knowledge of the internet.

Great Job Reaction GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

I get frustrated when writing and reading for long periods of time, so using GIFs to express myself is dope, because this-

Patrick Star GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Is how I feel at the end of the night when its past 1 am on a Tuesday and I know for a fact I’ve already lost half the battle by not having my work finished on time.

Venom 2 Reaction GIF by Venom Movie - Find & Share on GIPHY

Please excuse the many chapters of my life I add to the wonderful CT101 Page… I will be posting everything TONIGHT!!!! (If given the strength) I must be on some limitless energy right now….

Jake Mcdorman Brian Finch GIF by Global Entertainment - Find & Share on GIPHY

WISH ME LUCK!!! And thank you Ryan for being an awesome professor, I never miss a class because you post them online!!! Thank you!

Work Feels GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY