I was not sure when I first heard the professor talk about this assignment. I already used other domains websites to buy one, but they were complicated. Furthermore, I have already think this before, which names I want. And it has been always between victorjota.com or victorjpimentel.com. Is just hard, to find a .com website to be honest.
But everything changed in seconds… After I saw the price in Names.com I could not find a better price for it. I own a couple of domains in godaddy.com And I’m used to buying them in a very expensive price, so when I saw it was only $10 dollars. I immediately put my card and buy the domain. I’ts scary to know a domain can go up at any given moment.
And you can look it right here ‘victorjota.com‘ I always wanted that domain for a long time now. It feels good to know that I finally have it now. Last time I check in godaddy.com, the domain cost over 100 dollars. I placed a temporary redirect link to my website while I configure it.
I’m not totally sure if I should wait a little for the next assignment before doing this. But I do not want to use wordpress because I had a bad experience using it. So I’m thinking maybe create my own website that does the same from scratch and keep all my blog post there. Just maybe, let’s see how the next blogpost is.
I can’t believe domain names can be so expensive! What made you choose that domain? I clicked on your website, it looks nice. I like how you have the choice to listen to your name.
Also would like to see some examples of your favorite blogs! 🙂
Hi Victor, I appreciate your excitement and forward push on this assignment. It is a very exciting process for sure! Please know that all of the important assignment details about what we will be doing with domains and web hosting are posted in the course schedule -Week#8 here – https://ct101.commons.gc.cuny.edu/week-8-domains-domains/
I went over this during class in depth and recorded the process. I think you may have missed some of it, please review it. We will be using reclaim hosting and setting up the domains and web hosting through them for this up and coming assignment. The domain and hosting has already been paid for as a part of the course. We will be using wordpress for this project (the self hosted version) – and just because you had one bad experience with wordpress does not mean that your next experience will be bad. We can chat more about how to apply your advanced skills into the process after the class on Tuesday. Thanks so much! And great work as always!