Assignment #2: Reactions towards CT101

Hello once again to all. Honestly speaking when I signed up for CT101 the purpose was to use it as a class to fill out my schedule. I had no idea what the class was about nor what it entails. Also, the name “communications technology” sounded quite boring to me, from the perspective that I’m  a pre-med biology major.

However, all this quickly changed after the first class. I realized that the class was going to be very interactive and taps into my creativity. At this point I’m thinking “Hmm, wow. Interesting.” This was partly because this isn’t a traditional class, where there’s a PowerPoint lecture, you study and take quizzes and tests. This was a game changer for me, as I’ve never been in a class with this format.

After I made my first post in assignment 1 an d I read it over, I experienced a type of satisfaction I haven’t experienced in a while. I was even more proud of myself when i received a few comments from my classmates stating how much they liked the post. This was precisely how I felt, below.

After the second class I realized that i have the opportunity to learn how to use my computer as a communications tool, using practical hands on experience. It’s like i’m falling into the creative corner of my mind which I didn’t know existed. I plan on fully tapping into it this semester.

By the end of this class I hope to learn how to create a blog, design a website and explore the creativity I never thought I had. The only thing I’m limited by in this class is my imagination. The sky’s the limit.

Until next time. Stay creative my friends.

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