Spring 2020 Class Schedule

Spring Semester 2020

**Please Read the –> Updated CT101 – Digital Storytelling Continuity Plan here <–**

UPDATE on Device for Distance Learning.

YORK IT Service is now open to take-in requests for a Laptop or a table for Distance Learning. To make a request please go to the Distance-Learning Equipment Needs Assessment page. If you are eligible to borrow a laptop, you will received an email to schedule a pick up. We will continue to provide updates as we approach the delivery of these much needed tools.

Week 1 โ€“ Tuesday – 1/28  -&-  Thursday – 1/30 – 

Class Introductions & Full Course Overview. Examples, explanations, energy and more!

Welcome to CT101! – Getting to know each other and our class expectations for the next 15 weeks!

Week 2 โ€“ Tuesday – 2/4 -&- Thursday – 2/6 – 

***Don’t forget to Sign up for CT101.us here <–*** OK, lets read this together –> Making me happy post  – This will be our first assignment! Let us learn the potentials of the wordpress blogging editor, logging in, and your new authorship status on CT101.

Here is my example of this assignment from the fall of 2019 – whats making him happy on the Internet

This is another example – Blog Like Flaca Would.

***Don’t forget to Sign up for CT101.us here <—–***

Week 3 – Tuesday -2/11 -&- Thursday – 2/13 – 

Making our first GIF! My first GIF post

Imgur and Giphy are great platforms to explore and create with! Lets check out both, its free! This week, inside and outside of class lets’ learn and create a NEW blog post and embed a series of new Reaction GIF s that speaks your feelings about our CT101 class so far and what the potentials are (yes, you can make as many as you wish and make it flow like a story!) Demonstrations and shared examples will be executed in our class lab time, don’t miss it!

PS โ€“ Did you Sign up for CT101.us here ?? You need to in order to publish on our class blog ๐Ÿ™‚

Week 4 – Tuesday – 2/18 – & – Thursday – 2/20 – 

Lets dig into these two new assignments, both are chock full of useful information! (We will go over the second one (below) in class, but you should work on this one outside of class โ€“-> Flexibility in the kinds of Digital Storytelling projects you do.

OK, here is another great Internet culture based assignment to get your creative juices flowing! Are Memes Art?  What do you think? Will you respond by making a Meme to share you feelings about CT101?? Lets learn a few new skills using adobe photoshop in our class session!

Week 5 – Tuesday – 2/25 – & – Thursday – 2/27 – 

1. Lets submit our best MEME that expresses how you feel about CT101 – Images should be sent as a .JPG file to rseslow@york.cuny.edu – (lets recap this in class) The MEMEs will be published as a group exhibition / collaboration for the NET-ART website on the academic commons

2.So, you discovered the DS106 Repository!! Lets discuss!  Flexibility in the kinds of Digital Storytelling projects you do. (this is one of my favorite assignments!)

Week 6 – Tuesday – 3/3 – & – Thursday – 3/5 – 

Part 1 – Lets have a look at this project โ€“ Panoramic Storytelling with Multiplicity

Its another Class collaboration – the “Pano-Project” โ€“ examples & More will be shared! Prepare for awesomeness..

Part 2 – Outside of class, for the hybrid aspect of the class this week, explore the ct101.us website and react and respond to a classmates blog post that inspires you! Be sure to respond to something that was posted in 2020 (you can also respond to older posts but only after selecting a post from 2020) Reactions should include feedback, reasons for what inspires you about the post, and why. Plus – you must add some links from the web that have contextual referencing and or relatedness.

Week 7 – Tuesday – 3/10

Conversations about copyright. Let’s read this post together and find an article or post about a copyright issue of interest to you. (lots of examples here) Describe your understanding of the law and the case presented. And document this in a blog post expressing your point of view!

*Week 8 – Thursday – 3/19 – & – Tuesday – 3/24 –

**Please Read the –> Updated CT101 – Digital Storytelling Continuity Plan here <–

This post holds a lot of the updated information for how our class will proceed. Please leave comments in the comments section on the blog post itself. Thank you!

*U.S Providers Offering FREE Wi-Fi or Special Accommodations for 60 Days


*Blog Post assignment – Please write a new blog post that expresses your feelings, concerns, frustrations and related -otherness about the current state of affairs with the COV-19 pandemic. How has this impacted your semester thus far? How do you feel about moving forward with our class as an online entity?*

*I weighed in with my own blog post example about the assignment above – click here to my example

Week 9 – Thursday 3/26 –

**As of now, just the Thursday section is working on this as CUNY has issued a Recalibration period from 3/27 – 4/1 – Tuesday section students do not meet on 3/31 and should abide by the Recalibration schedule.

YES! It is time to start building our own websites! Please read this whole post as it holds the needed video tutorials to get started –   Picking a Domain Name, Getting a Web hosting Account, and Installing WordPress  

I will be recording a video screen cast of this process and add to the blog post above.

UPDATE on Device for Distance Learning.

YORK IT Service is now open to take-in requests for a Laptop or a table for Distance Learning. To make a request please go to the Distance-Learning Equipment Needs Assessment page. If you are eligible to borrow a laptop, you will received an email to schedule a pick up. We will continue to provide updatesas we approach the delivery of these much needed tools.

Week 10 – Tuesday 3/31 (No Class) – Thursday 4/2 – 

**Please read the CUNY Mandated Recalibration Post here – update your calendars please

**Thursday – 4/2 section – We will continue on with starting to build our own websites! Please read this whole post as it holds the needed video tutorials to get started –   Picking a Domain Name, Getting a Web hosting Account, and Installing WordPress  

I will be recording a video screen cast of this process and add to the blog post above.

Week 11 – SPRING BREAK WEEK – (no classes in session)

I wanted to remind you all that we will NOT be meeting remotely Tuesday – 4/7  or  Thursday 4/9  – in Zoom. Just in case you forgot, Tuesday 4/7  – follows a Wednesday class schedule. Wednesday 4/8 starts spring break which will run until 4/10. We do not meet on Thursday 4/9.

Please take a break and a rest if possible this week. We will resume after spring break.

Week 12 – Tuesday 4/14  – &  – Thursday – 4/16 – 

Welcome back!

Please read this important blog post that includes two videos taken from our last two Zoom class sessions. The videos will walk you through the process of registering your domain name, applying web hosting and installing WordPress. The second video covers the beginnings of the customizing process of the Twenty Seventeen Theme will be focusing on in WordPress. The Zoom schedule & Links to enter classes are here.

Here is the link to the post below:

Week 13 -Tuesday 4/21  – &  – Thursday – 4/23 – 

Read This Firsthttps://ct101.us/2020/04/21/share-your-new-website-link-progress/

Continued work on your individual websites – I will be performing another series of live demonstrations in class this week on setting up your websites navigation menus, working with widgets, installing and adding plug-ins, and much more! Lets get specific about how we are going to use our websites. The new video from the Tuesday morning class will be posted on Tuesday afternoon. If you missed last weeks class(s) please catch up by reviewing the videos in this blog post:

The Zoom schedule & Links to enter classes are here.

Week 14 -Tuesday 4/28  – &  – Thursday – 4/30 – 

  1. This week via Zoom we will continue customizing and experimenting with our new wordpress websites. It is super important to add your websites URL to the comments section of this post from last week <—

2. This link is an ongoing growing series of video tutorials on the process of building your own site from start to finish, its not too late to get started if you are a bit behind

3. Bring your website questions to the Zoom class session! What questions do you have about customizing your website that we have not yet covered in our Video Tutorials? Bring those questions to class this week in Zoom. If you cant make the Zoom sessions you can also send your questions in via e-mail and I will address them during the class time. I will ask students to share their links and experiences .

4. Blogging is back! This week I would like each student to publish a new blog post that will introduce their new website by sharing “HOW” the website will be used. As the owner of the website what have you decided? Is your website being used as a “specific project” that allows for you to focus on that single project (for example, dedicating your website to your love of digital photography, and sharing a few galleries of your work while also publishing a few blog posts about your experiences.) The same description could be applied to food, baking, dancing, sports, art, music, writing & ETC.. but we want to read it from you. Your site could also simply be used as an experimental platform to test and play with “what it means to have a website” this may be a little bit of the many things that you are interested in.

After you publish this post to your website, share the link to the post and a catchy title for it on CT101.us so we can all go and check it out.

PS – This week we covered some fun ways to incorporate social media galleries and feeds into our websites: check this post for the video tutorials – https://ct101.us/2020/04/28/more-wordpress-customizing-w-social-media/

The Zoom schedule & Links to enter classes are here.

Weeks 15 & 16 – Tues -4/5 & 4/12  &  Thurs – 4/7 & 4/14 – 

**READ THIS** –> Final Days & Final Blog Post Information Link

The link above contains the final blog post submission format and guidelines, I promise that its a FUN assignment that you will enjoy!

All and any questions should be sent to rseslow@york.cuny.edu