The things that make me happy on the internet


When I was 8 years old, I first got my PC and later that year we had an internet connection in your house. The first thing that internet brought me joy was I got lots of games access though the internet. I don’t need to give my flash drive to my friends or buy any new CD for new games. One of the most interesting game I found on the internet was FarmVillege. Farm Village is a simple game in which players can handle all aspects of farm life in the Middle Ages. As I grow up in Bangladesh and when ever I used to go my village those farming always makes me curious how farmers grow vegetables. In that game FarmVillege, The user started with an empty farm and a set number of Farm Coins, the game’s principal currency. Players earned XP  by cultivating land or purchasing goods in the game. The most interesting part of this game is readied the land for planting seeds, which would eventually be harvested after a set amount of time. I kind a feel that this game helps make to me more patient.

The another things that most make me joy using internet is movies streaming sites. In this pandemic I couldn’t think my days without Netflix and Amazon Prime video. In last 2 years the amounts of movies and series I watched on those sites, I never watched that amounts of movies in my whole life.


Another thing that makes me happy using Instagram. I love to follow the people I like most and uploads my photograph to my account. Photography is my hobby. I take lots of picture of my camera and phone. Even I spend my most money buying new lens for my Canon.

3 thoughts on “The things that make me happy on the internet”

  1. Good work!
    Lol, wow, I love that 1st GIF! I can relate as an old school GameBoy fan! Endless hours!
    Nice use of media and descriptions for all!
    I love to take pictures too.. haha and yes, it can be an expensive hobby! Camera equipment is so fun test out and experiment with!
    Thanks so much for the great post!

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