Welcome Everyone!
I hope that you are safe and healthy!
Here we are: CT101 – Digital Storytelling! The Spring Semester of 2022!
Ok, this blog post is a lot things, but first and foremost it is a welcoming! Im excited to meet everyone and share our 1st class session to connect and learn about each other. That’s Nyle DiMarco below, he’s a Deaf Actor and Artist, he is showing us how to say: “Nice to Meet You” in American Sign Language. Im also Deaf and Hard of Hearing, so you can expect to learn some ASL and see more ASL GIFs this semester! I hope that you like animated GIFS, we are going use a lot of them here, and make them too! We are going to spend a lot of time discussing ways that we communicate.
There is a lot of compelling content to cover this semester in CT101, which will happen in many fun ways!
**This is the direct URL / Link to our class Website – https://ct101.commons.gc.cuny.edu/ <—that link is where EVERYTHING is happening for CT101.
Im not a fan of blackboard and will only use it to remind the class about password sensitive things, like the zoom info.. Please make sure you are familiar with the CUNY academic calendar for the semester,
*Next Tuesday – 2/8 you will follow a Friday class schedule, which means the Tuesday section of CT101 does not meet..
CT101 has 2 sections this semester- one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. You should only attend the day for the section that you are registered for, not both please. ๐
The CT101 Class Structure – CT101 will main be taught synchronously via Zoom and asynchronously for the lab session. Ill explain all of this in our first class. We will also meet 4 times IN Person this semester on campus.
Please know, I am always here to help you be the best that you can be in our course. And we are all here to do the same for each other. Our class is a community! A big part of our class is exploring your creativity and being experimental with the Internet! Plus, we will learn about the evolving array of digital tools that are available to us. We do quite a bit of the creative work from our own personal work spaces as we integrate the class work into our lives. Please know, I will always screen-record each and every assignment’s description, how-to’s and tutorials and share those videos here on our website. Please think of this website as a repository of information, energy and inspiration for the course (and beyond!)
*The Class Website – Our class website takes place on the CUNY Academic Commons! You will soon discover that the Commons is a huge resource and regular source of inspiration and community! Im excited to share this with you all.
**This Week’s Assignment – Lets leave our first Comment! In the comments section below (if you scroll down to the bottom of this page) Add a comment, Your comment will serve as your attendance today, but please introduce yourself! Tell us a bit about yourself, What is your name? What you are studying here at York College? What is your favorite movie, activities, ice cream flavor? Favorite place to visit on the web? What are you most interested in at this moment? Etc..) Feel free to add some links! Lets get to know each other. Also – Reply to someone’s comment, say hello and share some interests. Commenting and activity on the site is big part of our class!
**PS -I moderate all the comments to make sure that spam bots don’t spam us into oblivion! If may take a few minutes before your comment shows up, no need to submit it twice if you don’t see it appear right away ** Also, please explore this website, read through the syllabus and some of the course resources, it will be super helpful in the next coming weeks.
Hello, everyone! My name is Fatema Johura. I am studying computer science at York College. I am a senior, hopefully, I will graduate next semester in Fall2022. My favorite movies are Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind and Up (its animation movie). I love to spend my spare time on Instagram and youtube. Right now I am most interested in meeting my classmates and learning more about them so that we get to know each other.
Welcome, Fatema! Great movies!
Hello everyone! My name is Khayla Carty and I am a Journalism major. I am also a Junior and I’m hoping to graduate sometime next year in 2023. My favorite and most timeless movies of choice are the Rush Hour Trilogy and the Harry Potter Trilogy (two completely different movie styles). I enjoy my free time running and promoting my business as a Lash Artist and enjoy watching shows like Forensic Files and TV Crime Daily on Youtube. As a Journalist, I’m interested most in the broadcast aspect of Journalism and enjoy finding the missing pieces to complete the puzzle. What I look forward to this semester is getting to meet you all and work with you guys in class.
Welcome, Khayla! Great to meet you!
Hi Fatema! Your comment caught my eye immediately for two reasons-my sister is also a senior and computer science major and I am currently in the middle of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Although YouTube never really interested me that much, I think Instagram is one of my favorite social media platforms. I too am interested in meeting my classmates and getting to know them especially since it is my freshman year and would like some friends.
My name is Elizabeth Okiji, and I’d want to introduce myself. I’m pursuing an information systems management degree with a communication technology minor. I’m a great admirer of the Spiderman series, I enjoy singing, and vanilla ice cream is my favorite flavor. I honestly don’t have a favorite, although I enjoy conducting research on many topics such as clothing, shoes, wigs, and healthy foods or herbs on the internet. I LOVE TikTok. I also read a lot of news. Right now, my main focus is on improving my programming skills and growing better every day.
Welcome, Elizabeth! Vanilla ice cream all day long! Love it too. I got to get myself on TikTok!
Hi Elizabeth! I also enjoy researching different topics that peak my interest & Vanilla ice cream and Cookie Dough are the best ice cream flavors in my opinion! Looking forward to being in class with you!
Hi, everyone! My name is Tiandra Browne, I’m a sophomore majoring in Computer Science and I love playing basketball. My favorite movie is probably Portrait Of A Lady On Fire and I’m usually watching youTube videos in my free time. I’m currently taking a software engineering bootcamp at QCC which has been pretty fun. Here’s a link to my github if you want to check out what I’ve been learning: https://github.com/tiandrab/tiandrab.github.io
Welcome, Tiandra! Super cool!
Hello everyone! My name is Felix Taveras. I am a senior at York College majoring in Computer Science and on my free time I like to program and (when it’s warmer) pick up a game of baseball. My favorite ice cream flavor is pistachio, and my favorite movie would be 1917. Of all the places to visit on the web, I would say I visit YouTube the most. Currently, I am focusing on ways to further improve my programming and expand my portfolio.
Welcome, Felix! Excellent, thank you!
Hi everyone,
My name is Sheila Acheampong. I am a senior at York College pursuing a bachelor’s in health science. My favorite movie is Mr.Queen(kdrama) and Lucifer. My favorite ice cream flavor is salted caramel and vanilla. I love watching vlogs on Youtube. Currently, I am trying to get back into reading and crocheting.
Welcome, Sheila! Salted Caramel is sooo good! Thank you!
Hi Sheila. I like watching kdramas too. Are there any that you’d recommend besides Mr. Queen?
Hi sheila nice to meet you. I am senior as well. I love to watch international vlogs because I like to see people’s environment and perspective. Hope to interact with you this semester, thank you.
Hi guys! My name is Paola. I am a junior at the moment and my major is Journalism. My favorite movie is Titanic and anything with Leonardo DiCaprio, honestly. I love watching movies or shows on Netflix. I love reading books and writing. My favorite places to visit on the web are Youtube and Twitter. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate and preferably from Haagen-Dazs. Recently, I’ve been really interested in podcasts and thinking of starting one myself some time in the future.
Welcome, Paola! Big movie fan here too!
Hey Poala, I am right with you with he Haagen-Day. The prices suck but the the quality is so worth it. I just recently started Archive 81 on Netflix, and if your into mystery and some horror, I would recommend giving it a try ๐ I have been trying to get into podcasts lately, what genre do you usually listen to? I wanted to get into trim podcasts since they always intrigue me, but I have been hesitant. I don’t know why but listening to a crime podcast is a lot more creepier than watching them win YouTube.
Thanks! I also started Archive 81. As for podcasts, I listen to true crime and pop culture podcasts. The true crime one I listen to is called Rotten Mango and the pop culture ones include the H3 podcast, Sweetea, and I used to listen to Joe Rogan when he had interesting guests on. True crime ones are really creepy to listen to but it helps to watch on Youtube lol.
Hello Paola, nice to meet you. I was wondering what kind of books your interested in.
I love romance novels, science fiction, memoirs. Love them all!
Hi Paola, I’ve also gotten into podcasts lately, mostly about psychology though and starting one sounds like fun honestly. I’ve never been that interested in books but what would be a good first read?
Depends what you’re interested in. One of my favorite books is called “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini. It’s really sad but a very interesting story.
Hello Paola, what podcasts do you like listening to? I remember the only podcast I heard was called Serial and it was about a murder case and they were reviewing all the evidence and pointing out some of the flaws, I really enjoyed it.
Hey Stella. I mostly listen to true crime and pop culture podcasts. Serial kind of sounds like the Buzzfeed series “Unsolved.” Super interesting and similar concept.
Hi Paola! I’m also a Journalism major as well. I have never seen Titanic but I’ve heard nothing but great things about it & if DiCaprio’s in it it’s definitely going to be a Banger! looking forward to seeing you in class!
Hello Paola,
Surprisingly we have many things in common! Literally, I also love to watch almost all the works of Leonardo DiCaprio and my favorite social media site is also YouTube. Recently I am enjoying Korean drama and thriller movies too. Not just me, my entire family loves ice cream specifically from Haagen-Dazs. However, I don’t enjoy Netflix anymore, Tubi and HULU have better collections according to my taste. I also enjoy listening to podcasts and Audiobook.
Hey everybody, my name is Fateema. I am a senior at York and my major is Psychology. I have a lot of favorite movie, it really just depends on my mood for that moment, but my go too would definitely be “Big Daddy” with Adam Sandler. Of you have not heard of it or watched it yet, I really recommend it, its the perfect sweet/feel-good movie. ๐ I enjoy working out a lot, I spend a lot of time at they gym as I try to make it a point to include it in my weekly schedule. It’s a recent hobby I picked up and I enjoy it all because it helps manage any stress I have. My favorite flavor of ice cream right now would be rocky road. Of the many things we can do on the web, I would say TikTok is my guilty pleasure. My feed I full of cooking/beauty tutorials and I just get fixated on it for hours (however, I have been trying to limit myself). Currently, my main focus is to keep all my classwork and assignments organized and make sure I maintain good grades (I ma taking a few asynchronous classes so I defiantly have to manage my own workload with a job and the gym responsibly and effectively) as well as keep up with my strength training and hit new pr’s!
Welcome, Fatema! Thanks so much for the wonderful Intro! ๐
Hello, I do spend a fair amount of time in the gym doing cardio, with a jumping rope and a tread meal and I also try to maintain good grades in order for me to pass this semester of 2022.
Hi Fateema nice to meet you. I watched the movie “Big Daddy” and it was so cute. I feel like during the pandemic a lot of people tried working out, and exercise is known stress reliever.I understand the endless scrolling of TikTok,and that was me during the earlier days of the pandemic. A way that I find helps is to set time limits on apps I spend the most time on. Hope to interact during the course.
Hello, My name is Angel Batista I’m 18 years old, I do not have a specific major but I’m looking forwards for communication, and I’m a freshman at York College in my second semester, my favorite movie is probably Red Tail, I do not like ice cream for the most part(for some weird reason) but I do enjoy eating any kind of food out there, I rather play videogames or watch YouTube videos for the most part of my free time since I have to stay home and help doing the chores of the house, and I love the season of spring.
Welcome, Angel! Thanks so much!
Hello everyone! My name is Edysson Pierre, I’m a Freshman. I will be completing my bachelor of science in communication technology from York college. My favorite movie is coded bias.I love to draw, dance and coding. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate. I’m looking forward to working with some of you this semester.
Welcome, Edysson! Looking forward to it as well!
Hello, my name’s Fatemeh, I’m a freshman at york and my major’s currently undecided. My hobbies right now are reading and cooking but I also love music especially playing the saxophone, drawing, swimming, spending quality time with family and friends, and also listening to murder podcasts. I don’t have ice cream often but when I do my favorite go-to flavor is strawberry. My favorite movie is the conjuring, Stephen King is my favorite author, and I absolutely love nature.
Welcome, Fatemeh! Nature lover here too!
Hey Fatemeh,
I like also like watching horror movies. I find the sense of dread my favorite part of a horror movie one of my favorite horror movies would be The Witch featuring Anya Taylor-Joy. I recommend it if you like horror thriller movies.
Hi Fatemeh,
I love swimming, it’s very relaxing and peaceful. I like watching conjuring as well it keeps you at the edge of your seat lol.
Hi Fatemeh! I enjoy listening and watching crime and murder podcasts and videos as well. I guess that’s something we have in common ๐
Hello Fatemeh, nice to know that we have a few things in common. I also love cooking, drawing, and spending quality time with my family. Although I don’t enjoy reading, I love listening to Audiobooks. Besides that, I also enjoyed watching all of the Conjuring movies and I love staying close to nature as much as possible.
My name is Stella Delgado, I’m a senior at York college and my major is Psychology. My favorite movie is The Perks of Being a Wallflower, my favorite ice cream flavor is Vanilla. Some hobbies of mine is that I like watching anime and reading as well. I like looking at art online and clothes as well and how people style them.
Welcome, Stella! Art forever!
Hey Stella, I love The Perks of Being a Wallflower! I’ve also recently started watching anime, any good recommendations?
I have been recently watching Fruit Baskets, its really good the animation is beautiful and the story is interesting as well
Hey Stella! I love vanilla ice cream too! You can’t go wrong with a classic. What anime would you say is your favorite?
I would say my favorite has been Hunter x Hunter
Hey Stella,
cool that you like waching anime one that I have been watching recently is my hero academia.
Hi CT 101!
My name is Niko, and I’m a third-year journalism major. I love playing video games. This month has some exciting ones being released back to back. So now I’m left trying to figure out how to balance my schedule with school and them. But for now, I’m just obsessed with Pokemon Legends Arceus.
I don’t have a favorite movie ’cause I can’t watch the same thing over again. But I did finish this Korean drama last night called ‘Hotel del Luna’ and had a good cathartic cry.
Even though I’m a foodie and there are so many great flavors, I think you can’t beat a good bowl of vanilla ice cream.
It’s great to meet everyone, and I look forward to working with you this semester!
Welcome, Niko! Awesome!
Hey CT101,
My name is Juan Carlos. Most people call me Juan but it doesn’t really matter. I am a freshman with a major in CT with a focus in web. I chose this major because comunication is key between people which can help strengthen bonds also I would like to learn more about technology to find a job in the near future. If I were to say if I had a favorite ice cream I would say I like cookies and cream because it has a sweet and chewy flavor. To name a favorite movie of mine would be hard but my favorite genre would be fantasy. I hope I learn new things that can help my understanding of the digital world.
Welcome, Juan! Communication is everything! We will be learning many new skills in our class!
Hello Juan! I also enjoy cookies and cream ice cream. They just have an excellent feeling of taste and flavor.
Greetings, my name is Tatyana Phillips, and my major is Health Science. I love eating popcorn especially when watching horror and comedy movies. Favorite horror would be Truth or Dare and for comedy Soul men and Friday after next. My favorite ice-cream flavor would be cookie and cream. My favorite place to visit on the web would be Instagram and YouTube. My main interest right now is to do well in all my classes and outside of school another interest would be knowing new shopping malls.
Welcome, Tatyana! This will be a great semester!
Hi everyone, My name is Sudipta Barua. This is my first semester at York college and I’m majoring in Communication technology. I completed my associate degree at Borough of Manhattan community college. I love watching suspenseful and action movies. One of my favorite movie is ‘Pursuit of Happiness’. I spend my free time watching movies with my family. This pandemic one thing I learned most is that spending time with loved ones. My favorite Ice cream flavor is Vanilla. My main interest is now do well in class and complete my bachelor. It was really nice to meet everyone on our first zoom class and I am excited to meet everyone in person.
Welcome, Sudipta! Looking forward to all as well!
Hello everybody, my name is Manpreet Singh, and I am a freshman at York College. I am majoring in communications technology. I like playing videos games and meeting new people. My favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream. I am excited to meet all of you guys again and get the chance to know you guys.
Welcome, Manpreet! Nice to meet you!
Hello, my name is Andres Perez Vivar, and I am a senior at York College. This will be my final semester. I am a marketing major. One of favorite movies that I’ve recently watched is Spider-Man: No Way Home. I like to watch anime, listen to music, and play video games during my free time. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough. My main interests now is to balance school and work. I have decided to take this course as an elective because I thought it sounded interesting. Pleasure to meet all of you.
Welcome, Andres! Exciting times in CT101 ahead!
Hi! My name is Shalanda Roches. I am a Journalism major at York College CUNY. My favorite movie is Moonlight ever since I saw it in my junior year of high school. I love the message behind it. I love to shop, travel, read, write and learn about new things and also meet new people. My favorite ice cream flavors are red velvet, chocolate, and cookies and cream. My favorite places to visit on the web are YouTube and Instagram. I am most interested in crime videos and unsolved mystery stories at the moment. I am 20 years old, I am a junior in college and overall I just enjoy learning.
Welcome, Shelanda! Nice to meet you!
My name is Duojay and I am studying Aviation Management, I do not have a favorite movie. My activities usually involve trying something new, such as food. In terms of sites maybe Hulu because I do like to watch a lot of shows. I do not like ice cream. I am interested in telling stories at the moment, but I need to work on improving them.
Hi everyone! My name is Safiya and I am currently double majoring in English and communications. I just love movies in general so it is very difficult for me to choose one but my favorite genre is horror because there are so many branches of horror within the one genre. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate mostly because everyone in my family hates it so when we do get ice cream together, I never have to share. My two favorite social media platforms are Instagram and Pinterest because they’re so easy to use and capture every aspect of my personality. Currently, I am interested in a lot of noir films and jotting down notes/highlighting whilst I read as well as being able to meet my peers and hopefully make some new friends.
Welcome, Safiya! Great to see you here! ๐
Hello Safiya. It’s amazing you love horror movie and that it’s your favorite genre because its my too. I love chocolate but my favorite one is vanilla more and I love to be on Pinterest. We have a lot in common. ๐
Nice to meet you, I’m curious what you like about horror movies?I’ve been trying to get into horror movies, not really for the gory stuff but the mystery
Hi everyone. My name is Madoussou Kone. I’m studying Journalism and soon I will be majoring in marketing. My favorite movie is The Conjuring, activities I like to do are read and organize files in creative ways and my ice cream flavor is vanilla. My favorite place to visit on the web is YouTube. At this moment I’m interested in films, creating memes, and having fun in this class.
Welcome, Madoussou! Great to have you here!
Hi Maddy, I consider you brave for enjoying The Conjuring and I had no idea you liked making memes too, see you in class soon!
Hey, Madoussou nice to meet you, I also feel like the Conjuring movie series is probably the scariest horror movie series. Interesting to know you like to read, what genre do you like to read on? Watching movies is my favorite also currently I have been watching all the top thriller movies.
Hello, My name is Jason Shuaib and studying Journalism. As of right now my favorite movie is Hacksaw Ridge and i love to play basketball on my free time. My favorite place on the web to visit is YouTube because I binge watch videos to decompress. I am extroverted and hope to make new friends!
Welcome, Jason! Good to see you!
Hi everyone, my name is Sandra. I’m studying business and my favorite movie is probably Howl’s Moving Castle cause I just recent saw it again. My hobbies is playing video games and reading manga in my spare time. My favorite place on the web is Tumblr because there is so many fandoms and it can be diverse or focused to what I like. Its my favorite place to unwind and interact with people who I share similar interests with.
Welcome, Sandra! The CT101 community has good energy!
Hey Sandra, nice to meet you. I also like reading manga in my spare time my favorites being shonen and sports manga.