To say that I have one passion would be unrealistic of me to say. I guess what I love to do is express my opinions on the things I love. I love being given the opportunity to share my thoughts on film, music and really anything and being given the chance to explain why!

I actually have a Youtube channel named Nerd Talk where I talk about the newest movies that come out with my friends and also watch some movies together and just have a good time. This to me fuels my passion. I get so much joy out of doing these livestreams with my friends because it is always a good time. We always have so much fun and enjoy the different opinions that we have on the topics that we are discussing.

Another passion of mine I could touch on is rock music. When I was in elementary and middle school, I hadn’t really found one genre of music that I had liked. I kind of just listened to anything and if I liked it, I’d go back to it. When the pandemic happened, I was looking for things to take my mind off of what was happening outside since it was miserable to say the least. I suddenly started listening to Shinedown and in about a week or so, they became my favorite band of all time.

So many of their emotional songs resonated with me and I was able to connect with them on a personal level and because of that, they’re my number one go to band when I’m in the mood for some rock music. Something else I love about them is for every deep and emotional song they have, they have a song that leans into their hard rock side that is flat out awesome. Their song “The Sound of Madness” of the album of the same name is one of the best songs ever made in my mind.

The one thing more than anything that I am passionate about is being myself. I don’t fit in in a lot of places. I tend to stick out like a sore thumb and for a long time, I wasn’t okay with that. Then I started to realize that it was something that I NEEDED to be okay with. Nobody should ever have to fit in with a group because we are OUR own people. We can like what we like, dress how we like and certainly act how we like. I am beyond passionate for people being themself and not caring about anyone else because at the end of the day, they are not you and you are not them. Only you are you.