I am not going to lie it’s getting a little scary in the class having to pick a domain name and setting up your website. Above all I still prevail 🙂

1. Domain name
I chose the name the name renikahub.com. I think I resonated with this name because everything on the site will be about me. I will be a hub where I feel safe to share parts of my life and also for others to see.
2. The set up

After putting in the necessary information I was given my order confirmation.

I was then sent my email verification.

I then went on to verify my email address.
I went on to install the WordPress application.

Then finally we have the website
3. Opinion
In my opinion the set up was pretty straight forward. The only part I’m particularly scared of is the customizing of the website. I don’t think I have a team in mind or anything that really speaks for my personality but I’ll see. A much as I was scared these steps were pretty good.
Come back for part 2!