Assignment 1 – What Made Niko Happy This Week

As a journalism major, telling a story is a crucial part of my life. But even before becoming a journalism major, stories played a huge role in my life. From as far back as I can remember, I’ve always had a book in my hand, whether it was a physical copy or on a Kindle. Books are portals to many realms.

Book with turning pages and magical particles
Magical Portals

I haven’t read as much in recent years. But I am trying to remedy that this year. In the early hours of this morning, I found myself unable to sleep. And my sleep-deprived brain started to get nostalgic for books I used to read as a child. The books were small squares and had some amazing illustrations in them. One story that I remember clearly is Jules Verne’s A Journey to the Center of the Earth. But I could not remember the publisher. So Google made me quite happy when I typed in a few vague search terms and was able to find it. The books are the Great Illustrated Classics. I was excited to find them but disappointed to see that they now cost a whopping $500 for the complete set. I should’ve held on to my copies. 😫

Three men pointing and walking.
One of the Best Stories Ever Told

Another thing that has made me happy this week is a video profile by the BBC of Billy Menezes, a street magician. He has wowed the likes of Dua Lipa and Rita Ora. While the magic that we see on tv or read about in books may not exist, magic like this can still captivate minds.

The video is bound to put a smile on your face. And that’s it for the things that have made me happy this week!

8 thoughts on “Assignment 1 – What Made Niko Happy This Week”

  1. This was very neat and well put together. I enjoyed reading your piece and I enjoyed the video you included as well. I also enjoy reading books with interesting tales. When you get into a story you often want to continue reading until you unveil the mystery in the end. It really is a great feeling and you learn a lot in the end too. This was great and I enjoyed it. Good job, keep up the great work.

  2. I like the gifs you put very creative. I also haven’t read many unless it’s for school because it is hard for me to concentrate if the plot isn’t about the fantasy/sci-fi genre. Maybe I ought to try and read more to become more cultured in the realm of books.??

    1. I would love to experience that obsessiveness with books again! Lol I don’t like audiobooks because I’ll be paying attention one minute and then next, forgetting that I’m listening to something and having to rewind and then becoming stuck in a loop.

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