assignment #10- making my website mine
i really got into my website, and worked very hard on making the first few pieces of content. in fact, i arguably spent too much time working on it when i should have been studying for finals, but who could resist fun website building over studying?
i plan on using this website somewhat like portfolio. i have goals to one day get a masters degree in language and science technology. to get into the school and program i want to attend, i will need to conduct a research project and present it. in addition to this, i’d like to be able to show my interviewers something to set me apart from other candidates and so i figure this website can serve as that, to show my true passion for language.
but it is not just for the purpose of a portfolio, i’d genuinely like to teach people things. i plan on writing posts to teach polish and spanish grammar (and more later, but i am going to start with the two languages i am most familiar with) to english speakers to keep as tabs on my website, always available for someone looking for resources.
the first post i made was an introduction, as i mentioned in my previous post, i’d like my website not be completely faceless and for people to feel a connection with the person who wrote the material they’re consuming.
then i made a quick little page about entitled why learn a language? just to quickly summarize key points as why language learning is beneficial.
then i began working on the real job… explaining complex grammar of a foreign language in a way that is easy for people to understand and is not overwhelming with information but also thorough. i have made two posts under my polish page : przypadki one and przypadki two… these posts explain the declinations of polish nouns and adjectives, a huge component of the language that is very difficult to understand, especially for native english speakers. on the polish page, i inserted two hyperlinks at the bottom of the page to direct viewers to those posts.

i had to figure out how to make subpages for my page but all it took was one simple google search and now the tabs look exactly how i want them to.

i am extremely satisfied with the progress i’ve made with my website and will soon start to make posts about spanish. and one day i’d like to include essays about my opinions on linguistic theories, the lack of bilingualism in america and other topics relating to language.
i’ve never considered making my own website and i never knew it would be a process i’d really enjoy. i am very grateful that this class gave me the opportunity to venture out of my internet comfort zone but more about that will be in my final blog post.
Yeah it was really fun and interesting to make the website.