I will work on curating the type of posts I want to post on my site. I would love to change colors and find an aesthetic pleasing to me. I want to choose a theme that is easy for me to use but also fits the requirements my website needs.

This is what I have so far. I have a lot to work on but I feel as if I am going to change the aesthetic of the page. Right now, the aesthetic feels like what a professor will post as their background on Blackboard. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that but I do not want to give teachers vibes. It is still cute, but it is not what I am going for.

With my website, my target audience will be mostly for people around my age (Gen Z). But I also would like those of the older generation to read what I write on my blog. At the end of the day, it is the older generation’s children shaping society. With my blogs, I want to bring awareness to the problems people face and how detrimental these problems cause in the long run if they continuing to exist.