I found that memes are a kind of art form. As https://yodoozy.com/memes-are-a-form-of-art/ stated, the meaning of art varies for everyone. Art is how people communicate their concepts and feelings. Therefore, memes allow people to express themselves effectively. To support this, in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Zyswk07vg, the narrator stated that art is people creating images and sharing them with strangers. The purpose of this creation is to communicate personal experiences. This is where memes follow that criteria. On the other hand, https://spokenvision.com/can-memes-be-considered-art/ discusses why memes can be considered art and why they can not. Memes can be considered art because memes fall into the definition of art. The counter-argument is that memes have no artistic value. In addition, memes are silly because they are for “cheap laughs”.
The meme above is referencing Vampire Diaries. A powerful vampire named Klaus liked to have everything his way. When his family members would not go along with his plan, he would kill them (temporarily). This meme could be considered as a cheap laugh but this meme has value to me because I understood the reference and it is funny.
Since memes are here to stay, this can be both good and bad for art. A pro of memes staying is that they can enhance what art is and add to it. More ideas and expressions can expand, develop, and inspire others. This pro is good for communication because everyone can add their input or share the input of others. The con of memes is that people can eventually be interested in only seeing memes and not other types of art because they are easy to access. Therefore, typical art could lose its value. Memes can be bad for communication because not everyone will understand or relate to what memes are saying. As a result, misinterpretations will rise. To me, not only are memes forms of self-expression but also great reaction responses, conversation starters, easing tension in conversations, and creating jokes and laughs. For example: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLdbbssh/
I do not see memes used as much for storytelling because they are for straightforward jokes but memes can be used for storytelling. They can be used for storytelling by summarizing the key points or plot in movies, books, and shows. They are used in my experience here on the Web through summarized phrases or in a sentence. Also, memes summarize the personalities of characters either through pictures or videos.
This meme is from One Piece and summarizes the captain (Luffy) because not only is he friendly, but he likes to befriend people that look like you should avoid.

Omg, I love watching Vampire Diaries and I got the reference in the meme you made. It was pretty cool.
Thank you and it is good at least someone instantly knew what I was talking about.
Looking good!
Thank you.
If you wish, you don’t need to include the assignment questions in your post, you can wirte them into the narrative so that they don’t appear as straight forward questions, just a thought 🙂
Also, we should always share an image or embedded piece of media as the first part of each post, this way the reader seeing an image first, rather than text. It helps, thank you!
Thank you for the advice! Ever since this post, I have been implementing your advice and I see the difference it makes.