assignment 6

Reflecting on my progress in CT101, I believe I am doing well in class despite some hiccups. One of the most important lessons I’ve learnt is to accept my unique and wacky personality. As a young adult, there is ongoing pressure to act maturely while  being urged to treasure childhood, resulting in a confusing world.  This class has taught me important skills, such as how to correctly use hyperlinks, which has been very beneficial in my Journalism class. Despite my efforts, I feel I am keeping a C to C- grade, due to the fact that my writing compensates for other areas where I might be lacking. To keep my classmates interested, I try to make my weekly blog postings original and entertaining. Although I’ve been told my writing is dense, I’ve worked hard to make it clear and understandable. Unfortunately, I am missing the final two tasks because I was gone when they were given and did not receive the required code. My participation in class is limited, I frequently avoid speaking up due to insecurity of sounding dumb and because I prefer to voice my concerns to the professor privately. To improve, I need to focus on better time management and communication next semester. This semester has been particularly challenging due to personal challenges, including a severe case of tonsillitis, the loss of two cousins, and my grandfather’s extended hospital stay. To improve, I need to work on time management and communication skills next semester. This semester has been particularly challenging due to personal challenges such as a bad bout of tonsillitis, the deaths of two cousins, and my grandfather’s lengthy hospital stay. These incidents had an enormous impact on my ability to keep up with my work while also maintaining my mental health. However, I tried to heal by speaking with my lecturers, who were usually understanding. If I had contacted them sooner, I might have been able to resolve my issues more efficiently. Moving forward, I intend to be more aggressive when handling my obligations and getting help when required to avoid falling behind.