Assignment 6- Digital Art Making Immediacy

Digital Art Making Immediacy

I’ll be honest…this assignment drained me. I have no idea why…but it probably had something to do with the fact that I had no ideas. I saw the words creativity, the very word that should spark some remnant of imagination and get the creative juices flowing, however, I just went blank. Which made doing this assignment somewhat of a burden 🥲.

With the other assignments there was some semblance of structure, something to work towards and fashion together to reach a common goal, but for this assignment the directions were less formative and left to our own interpretations. I usually enjoy stuff like this, but for some reason I didn’t so much, at least at first.
Maybe it had to do with experimenting with a new website I wasn’t comfortable with, but all of the ideas somersaulted out of my head. After rewatching the Zoom recording of last class I was reminded of something that Prof had said. Don’t get in your head to much, just do whatever…and as painful as that was to do, that’s what I did.

As a person who likes to be organized and remain somewhat consistent, I tried to keep everything cohesive, even though we were warned we’d make things he don’t like or care for…I’m happy I took the first step to get over this hurdle of unorganized creativity so to speak.


To create my two pages as stated in the assignment I created them on along with some assistance from Google Images, and Pixabay. Mostly using the stickers on the website and some weirdly specific images from google I created this first page called “Something” I know…very evocative.

You can view it by clicking on this link >>>here’s Something<<< but here’s a preview for the page👇

I’m not really sure what it’s supposed to be, but it has a space ship in there so I think it’s automatically cool. This being the first page I created on the website came with a lot of experimentation and uncertainty on my part because I didn’t know he extent of what I could do on my own aside from the tutorial on the Zoom recording. I soon fell in love with the variety of stickers and gifs on the website, however, I wish we could crop images into shapes and apply filters to them without having to export the entire page to another program, much like on PowerPoint. Even though no one likes PowerPoint, it still has some good features I can’t lie.
Now moving onto page 2…be prepared.
I called this one “Interests” and even though it turned out completely different than what I thought, that has nothing to do with all of my interests it still looks alright for a new MMM user if you ask me.
You can view it by clicking on this link >>>here’s Interests<<< but here’s a preview for the page👇
The more I look at it the more this page looks like a brochure promoting Japan and it’s anime culture…which is far from what I was going for, but I’ll take what I can get. We got floating cars, cherry blossoms, Mont Fuji, PokĂ©mon in the water, and two of my favorite characters from popular anime Bleach, and One Piece , what more could you want?
I wish I was this content with what I made while was making it because when I was finished I honestly felt like starting over, BUT I knew I had to force myself to like it. After all I made it, and I can always improve in the future.
While I have you…I’d like to discuss AI a little bit. See I’m not entirely against AI, but I do think using it in place of real art, made by people is kind if unfair. Instead of turning to a artist who could do the thing you need you’re having a computer program do it, taking the personality out of the piece and replacing it with a lifeless program. However, I’m not against all AI, I just think it should be used as a guide, or a tool to help artists but not as a complete substitution for art.
⚠️I might come back to add more to this post⚠️

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