Assignment #6 Midterm Recap

Stressed Drama GIF by Showmax

Assignment #6: Midterm Recap

Over the last few weeks, I have been completing assignments to the point that I did not even realize it was around the time that midterms were being given. I guess that’s what happens when your mind is focused on due dates. Anyway, throughout the semester so far, I learned how to create an effective blog post, create a GIF, and create memes. With this knowledge, I was given the opportunity to try and put all of it together to talk about my passions.

Happy Toy Story GIF

How am I doing in CT101?

The Office gif. Ed Helms as Andy rolls his eyes and looks to the side as he sarcastically says, "Okay."

I believe I am doing ok in the class so far. I have no reason to think otherwise as I always get positive feedback for my posts, however, one thing I am working on is telling more of a story with my posts.

What have I learned and retained the most?

Cartoon gif. Batman from the old cartoon rubs his chin and squints his eyes as he thinks hard.

The things I learned and retained the most would be the basics of what makes a good post. Throughout the semester, I made sure each post I had contained a good number of hyperlinks, Gifs, and I made sure to keep my paragraphs short in order to not lose the readers.

What new skills have I developed, cultivated and displayed regularly in my weekly posts?

Schitts Creek Yes GIF by CBC

Yes . . . As stated before, it has become a usual thing for me to include Gifs, memes, and hyperlinks in every post I use.  This is a skill that has been developed with each assignment that was given to the point that it seems strange if I don’t see a moving picture before I write something.

What do I know now that I did not know before taking this class?

Something I know now that I didn’t know before taking the class was how easy it could be to create your own Gif or Meme.

Spongebob Squarepants Wow GIF

While many people may already know how to do this, making memes and Gifs were not something I did. I usually took part in enjoying them once they were already created, which I would only see them because my friends sent them to me through our group chat.

What grade do I believe I am maintaining and why do I deserve that grade? 

Personally, I believe I am maintaining an A- grade, if not a B, because I feel like my posts are good, however, there are some assignments that I am currently missing.

Do I see my weekly blogging work expanding creatively? If so, please explain why – or am I stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time, how will I change that?

I do believe I am stuck in a loop because I developed a system for making posts, having a checklist in my head in order to meet certain requirements for a good blog post.

Charlize Theron Joe GIF by NETFLIX

This is why I felt that working on creating a story in my posts, and trying to lighten the mood with humor will improve my posts so that they are more enjoyable to the readers.

Are there any assignments that you are missing? 

Currently I am missing Assignment 5, and assignment 7.

Not Bad Will Forte GIF by MacGruber

Are you commenting regularly on your classmates posts? Are you responding back to comments given to you by the professor & your classmates?

Recently we were called out by the professor for not utilizing lab time effectively in order to comment on posts. It was only after this that I began to comment to my classmates more. I use lab time after class to read posts and leave comments or reply to comments. However, I have not replied to comments by the professor.

Are you participating during the class time?

I have not been participating during the class time.

Video gif. Montage of a man, maybe a preacher, wearing a suit and tie. He stands behind a podium and looks ahead, mouthing the word, "Why."

The whole-time during class, I’ve been paying attention to the steps needed for the next assignment or reading through the assignment blog. I also have been looking through the different hyperlinks used in the blog by the professor.

How will you make needed improvements?

In order to do better, I will try to incorporate more humor and more of a story into my blog posts. I started doing this with Assignment 4, however, I will try to do it more often to liven up my posts. In addition, I will try to participate and be more engaged in class. Lastly, I will try to catch up on the missing blogs that I still have to do.

Start Now Get To It GIF by Paramount+

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