Assignment #6- The Mid-Semester Reflection

I think I am doing fairly decent in this class. I know that I could be doing better in it no question but I personally feel that I am doing the best that I can. I’m making a strong effort to complete assignments and to not fall too far behind because I know that if I do, I won’t want to catch back up because of how far I’ve fallen behind. 
What I have learned and retained the most in this class is how to do assignments for school in a way that’s really creative and fun. I have always viewed schoolwork as something that was a chore or something that I could never have fun with and this class has changed that. This class has shown me that you can have a lot of fun with school assignments and be creative with them!
The grade that I believe that I am maintaining in this class right now is probably a low B- or high C+.  I haven’t been keeping up with the work in this class and it’s an issue for me. I let the concept of this class having no real due dates with assignments get to my head and because of that, I start to slack off in the class and I start to fall behind. I know that I don’t deserve a very high grade in this class and it is to my own fault and I hope I can still end this class somewhat strong because I do really enjoy this class…I just haven’t been focused as much as I should have. 
I think that my weekly blog work is expanding creatively. At the beginning of the course, I felt that I was just using Gifs and images for the sake of it because it was required. But as I’ve progressed, I think that I’ve started to get a grasp on telling stories with these tools and I think that it’s very fun to do!
I am missing the following assignments as of me writing this:
– Assignment 5
I am frequently commenting on other posts that my classmates have done as well as the comments provided by my professor. I think it’s a lot of fun to interact with one another about the posts that we make in our class because we all don’t make the same identical posts and naturally we’re going to have something to say about one another’s work. I also think responded to comments left by the professor is important because it shows that you are being active in the class…especially if the comment is feedback to help improve yourself in the class. 
I am constantly participating during class time. Any time that there is a lecture and questions are being asked, I am making sure to provide an answer because it’s important to interact during class time. It also helps retain the information being shown to you because you’re interacting with it and not just being told things. I also make sure to clarify when I’m confused about things and always check in with the professor before we start class. 
I will make the necessary improvements by pushing myself to make better blog posts and be consistent with them because I want to pass this class and succeed in it and I cannot do that at the pace that I am going in this class at the moment.