Don’t mind if I let you guys in on something I binge watch on youtube very often. The first Sunday of this month was an annual car event welcoming all BMW’s ever made—Bimmer Invasion!
This event is what many enthusiasts prepare for all year long all over the country, whether it’s to show up and spectate or attend with intentions on winning an award in many different categories.
Also, for those of you that choose to watch the video and wonder why you see a two-door Toyota at a BMW car meet… it’s because the newer Toyota Supra’s were produced with the heart of a BMW engine! ↓↓↓
Diggin’ this!
Lets always add hyperlinks for more context, for example, you can easily link to the BMW website or a series of websites with more info on the BMW world.
Ok. Noted! Thank you.
Thank you!
Mann I’m driving a mustang RN and my Sally is falling apart. If I had a love for BMW’s like you, or your passion in cars in general, Sally would be super fly rn /: Those beamers looked Tuff.