The internet did make me happy since I was 12.  The day that my grandfather gave us a computer for the first time, I always watched Inuyasha and different animes, and from then to now, I am still watching anime. Currently, I am reading webtoons, mangas, and manhwa. one of my favorites manhwas is Cheese in the trap.

It is a long manhwa, so it got four seasons. It has a K- drama, is shorter than the original, and some stuff might change, but it also was good. I will recommend it if you like romance. It is one of my favorite genres. I read this in 2019, but I love it, so I wanted to share it.

A year ago I discovered a mobile game. You can play it on a computer and PS4. I have never been a massive fan of mobile games but this game caugth my attention, and is the only one I play. It is called Genshin Impact by Mihoyo.

It is a Chinese game, and it has many voice translations, so it is easy to understand. It had ganed popularity around this year, it was nomiated to one of the best mobil game, and best role playing game. I am not sure who the winner was, but I think that it was among us

The game’s design is just incredible, and the quests are fun; also, each character had cool elements. The game develops with two main characters: Lumine and Ather, siblings from another world. They got separated by someone. I do not remember if it was a god or just someone with higher power than them. Then the story starts. You have to choose which twin you want to be while finding your lost twin. It is a fun journey

It is a fun game, and I have made some friends through the game. They are friendly people. I will recommend that your phone has a lot of space and you have a good internet connection.
those are the things that make me happy all the time.

the link for the home page of the game: