Passions are whatever brings you joy, sparks interest within you, something you can spend countless amount of time on and without a doubt you wouldn’t be bored. My passion is superhero movies and shows.
Superhero content has been a favorite of mines since I was a child. It’s like the only form of movies and shows. I could never get tired of seeing them and occasionally rewatch most of them. Even some of the most hated superhero movies I honestly really enjoy and still standby them of being decent watches, for example one of my favorite movies is Daredevil(2003). Well more specifically the director’s cut of the film.
Another while being a long watch I still found interesting was one of the hated hero movies that still gets talked about in the fanbase, Batman vs Superman: Ultimate editon. These films are considered terrible to most hero fans, but honestly I can still watch them and feel entertained.
Next I was always such a big fan of the action present in these shows and movies. With the countless powers at their disposal or skilled fighers. They can take any creative step they can with the fight scenes.
These are some of the best hand to hand combat scenes in a few hero shows and movies for me personally.
An interesting fact about this fight scene is that it’s a one take, well all the hallway fights are in the Daredevil show. Meaning there was no cuts between the part it was completed at once. The only cut was when he’s holding the kid after the fight.
Throughout the years we have had alot of live action batmans, but many would still agree that this is one of the best fights crafted for Batman.
Then the fight scenes that are more on the power aspect.
This fight was a creative choice, considering with all the abilites this hero is capable of, it was a creative choice to make it like a music battle, against his own counterpart as well.
One of the best parts about superhero media is how it can be a mix of carefree experiences while can also show the darkside of things. They aren’t afraid to express dark themes and can be very impactful. There are even moements that gets me hype or just leave you shocked on how well they look and the choice of soundtracks or the visuals itself.
The shows already are one of the best parts of being a hero fan, there’s always the fan favorites 90s era of animated shows like Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man animated series. Which mostly started many kids viewpoints of these heroes. Even have the joy of having crossovers with other characters within their universe.
My personal favorites would be Spectacular Spider-Man, The Boys(do be advised lots of mature warnings) and with one of the best hero teams like the Justice League. Even if these aren’t your style there are still tons of shows to choose from with more in the making. I can’t wait for DareDevil Born Again to come out, It looks promising.
Overall all these always have a space in my mind as it’s filled with such interesting characters with a wide variety, some of them may even be more relatable to you then you think. They can set examples and even give people something to strive towards an ideal, well you know besides all the powers unless metahumans are hiding among us after all.
Honestly I would recommend for others to attempt to give some of them a watch, doesn’t matter if it ends up not being your style. They can be enjoyed by any age groups and you can actually see some actors at their best performances and some high tier cinematography or even laugh at some of the questionable cgi.
If you ever watched some superhero movies or shows, share which were your favorites if you want in the comments.
And remember
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Hey great post! I also am into superhero movies, but I like marvel better than DC. Im a fan of DC comics and the animated movies but I’ve always been let down by the live action movies. I suggest you split your paragraphs up, especially the paragraph under the avengers gif because I got tired while reading it. My mind was going somewhere else. Maybe you could put a picture in between the split so I’m not looking at just words. The video links you have at the bottom of the post are cool, but maybe add some explanations between each video.
Hey yea I understand how the live action films can be a let down to many. About the paragraph I realized the next day they are most likely to long so I’ll space it out. Thanks for the feedback :D.
Hi Edward. I am not a movie person but I watch Marvel/superhero movies. They are interesting and entertaining to watch so I understand that this genre of movies is your favorite (especially considering that they are action-packed). But what I don’t like about these types of movies is that there is the same or similar storyline so they are predictable. Though I feel this way, I agree with you that they can be enjoyed by any age group.
Hey yea it’s fine that you don’t like these types of movies, I do admit some characters and plotlines really can be very similar to another.