My visual assignment


Two assignments intrigued me in particular when i first saw them. one was a visual assignment while the other is an audio assignment. both were interesting to me because i love scenery of nature or just open spaces in general. second, its because i love music. The Visual assignment i went for required me to be able to show the 4 seasons. in the example that it provided, it seems like i needed to show the seasons changing in a singular spot. So i did my best in order to replicate this. i knew i probably could do this assignment because of the materials that i was taught were available, otherwise i probably wouldn’t’ve know what to do.

The audio assignment i chose required me to get a music piece and change the instrumentation. this could mean taking a guitar piece and changing it into a piano piece. id choose piano because its the instrument i know how to play. Yet, i don’t have the skills to be able to change a music piece into a different instrument. i could try but i wanted to try that on my own. i definitely need more knowledge about music and how music is made. i probably don’t need to know the basics and can do it by ear, but i am sure it would help.


I wasn’t sure how id complete the visual assignment. I have never used any form of editing or photo programs or apps so it felt new to me. i wasn’t sure how to start so i began with looking for ideas. i was trying to think of really nice places that would appear really different in different seasons. one that came into mind is central park in Manhattan. specifically, a place called “the mall” in central park. i haven’t heard of it till today. i decided to look online and find 4 pictures of this area of central park in it the 4 differing seasons.

I then proceeded to cut these images into quarters of the original. this was in order to compile them together in order to form a larger image. i was planning on doing this in order from spring to winter. i was able to cut them down and put them together using the mmm page. below is my final result of the project.
I believe that someone shouldn’t’ve have to do many projects in order to get more storytelling skills and new tool skills. The only thing that someone should consider is doing projects that use a variety of skills. This allows us to use more tools and may even help us in explaining these projects in a variety of ways. These skills are very helpful because the can be incorporated in a lot of other projects or just daily life.

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