After much deliberation with myself, I’ve decided what I wanted my blog post to be about. My other 2 choices were for it to be about cars and about current events. Here are the reasons why I didn’t choose those ones. I didn’t choose cars to be the main subject of my blog posts because there are already tins of car blog posts on the internet and in order to take full advantage of the blog post I would have to be reviewing cars in person, which I don’t have the time for. As for a blog post about current events, the blog post will basically be like a newspaper. Although there’s nothing wrong with this, I don’t find it an interesting topic.
Now lets get to the good stuff, I choose to revolve my blog posts on “capitalism.” As terrible as that sounds, hear me out. I mean capitalism in the sense of providing people with tips that will help them to succeed in a capitalist society. This includes tips on increasing credit score, money saving tips, financial apps to use, motivational quotes here and there, tips to maximize the available income that you have and everything else finance related. I think people of my generation can really benefit from this, as this information would be free and available to anyone. Hopefully I can learn how to add ads to the website to make it fund itself, so the website can remain free for all.
My goal is to create a blog post that doesn’t just end once this class is over. I want to create a blog post that I can keep adding onto and make it of benefit to people. I’m excited to learn how to utilize word press so I can start building this website from the ground up!
Exciting, did you dd the URL to this weeks post? 🙂