My domains name could vary a lot depending to what kind of topic my page will be speaking about, however I will stick with housing and the buy and sells of houses, the 10 names that I could possible go for are as follow.
#1. Housing and Buying.
#2. Sweet Home Sweet Dorms.
#3. Great Properties made Properly.
#4. Feel like Home.
#5. Ordinary Homes.
#6. Real State at Great Rates.
#7. Mr. Properties
#8. Secure a Future.
#9. Get a Great Place to Live.
#10. Good Place, Good rest.

I think they will be a great way to attract people towards my page, and let them know what is the page about by just seeing the name of the domain, well my thoughts on my website is that It will probably die in the black whole that is the internet since I lack the Experiences on making websites and pages, and as an average 18 years old I do not have a house by myself, and I barely have any knowledge on the stock market, one of my favorite websites are YOUTUBE which looks like this:
How to Create a YouTube Channel to Grow Your Brand and Make MoneyAnd the Reason why I like it it because, #1 it’s easy to use #2 I’m used to it and #3 it’s really easy to learn and explore it, another Website that I like to listen to music is SoundCloud, which looks like a bit like YouTube, but still pretty much different, SoundCloud looks like like this:  SoundCloud


  1. Hey Angel, I thought your blog post was interesting, especially since your domains were about real estate and houses, and all mostly because we’re still so young. I like how the domains were direct in the sense that the reader knew what the website would be about. Another thing I liked about your post was that you incorporated examples from youtube and SoundCloud to show readers how specific certain media is.

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