This assignment took a little getting used to. When we learned about this in class, I tried taking some panoramas with my pen.

So, I continued to experiment.

In this first panorama, I tried to depict the story of an underdog powering up in order to stop an antagonist. The underdog, in this case, is Pikachu and the antagonist, the dragon. Looking back, I think it would’ve been better if the dragon was lying down in the third shot.

It was a challenge keeping the arrow on the line while moving around the figures. The photos before this shot either came out skewed, had my shadow covering the figures, or were cut off entirely.

My next shot at panoramic exploration is one that speaks of commuting. But that concept did not work out for me because, well, vehicles move and the shots were not great.

This attempt was taken yesterday! It is my attempt to convey the empty halls that remain after everyone takes finals. It was taken outside of Pandora’s Box. The middle shot is meant to emphasize a neverending hallway (like the ones in dreams) to create that liminal space that schools have when there aren’t a lot of students.

This final panorama tells the story of my nephew being excited to play video games. He first comes down the stairs, then runs past the couch and finally gets to the Nintendo Switch.

Overall, this was a fun assignment. It gave me ideas on photos I would like to take in the future and how to capture a wide landscape without zooming out too much.