assignment #6- making art immediacy
using my intuition, my creativity, and the immediacy of needing to submit this assignment 😉 , i used figma to make a to do list.

first, i drew a flower using the pen tool and then i filled it in with the highlighter tool. then, i selected some stickers of stars

after some text and a few small details, this was the final product.

then, i went to mmm and made a collage. i really enjoyed the mmm tool and will definitely be playing with it more on my free time.
i took two different aesthetic elements i like, a retro gothic look and a whimsical fairytalesque look and connected them with whimsical queen stevie nicks and included a song lyric of hers which i thought perfectly tied the two aesthetics together.
this was my final outcome:

i enjoyed working with both of these tools and will definitely seek to use them in the future. i did not know that there were so many good, free tools to use out there.

I love the spooky collage. No fear only love really speaks to me!