Well…. we are at the final countdown for the Fall 2023 semester and why not write a final blog post to reflect and go out with a bang. This course has taught me that creativity has no limits. Creative freedom and expression was always a key factor for CT 101 and for that, I never took it for granted.
The end is near…. I don’t mean it as if the world is ending but it is time to roll the credits for CT 101 on a positive note. What I enjoyed about CT 101 was gaining the knowledge of how powerful the internet is. There is so much access to stuff that you would never think of. I will certainly apply the creative skills that I learned in the course outside in the real world.
As far as my domain goes, which is http://williammejia25.com
I have yet to decide what to do with my domain. I thought about using it as a way to showcase all the newspaper articles that I have written for the York College newspaper but only time will tell.
Here is a screenshot of the homepage of my website.

Thank you, Thank you!
It was a great semester full of creative evolution for all!
Thank you for the thoughtful work and production, I hope to see your website expand and grow a bit more over time!
Keep at it!
Have fun!
Happy Holidays!