Welcome to CT101 – Digital Storytelling! Spring 2021

an old TV from the 1980s hosts the Digital Storytelling course title program

Welcome Everyone!

I hope that you are safe and healthy! Here we are:

CT101 – Digital Storytelling! The Spring Semester of 2021

Ok, this blog post is a lot things, but first and foremost it is a welcoming! Im excited to meet everyone and share our 1st class session to connect and learn about each other. That’s Nyle DiMarco below, he’s a Deaf Actor and Artist, he is showing us how to say: “Nice to Meet You” in American Sign Language. Im also Deaf and Hard of Hearing, so you can expect to learn some ASL and see more ASL GIFs this semester! I hope that you like animated GIFS, we are going use a lot of them here, and make them too! We are going to spend a lot of time discussing ways that we communicate.

an animated GIF of Nyle DiMarco signing "Nice to Meet You" in American Sign Language

There is a lot of compelling content to cover, which will happen in many ways! Lets start this week with a real time Zoom class at 10AM (the zoom link and PW is already posted on our Blackboard course page and sent as an announcement to your CUNY e-mail address.) Keep in mind, there are two individual sections of this course that both follow the same assignment criteria and also uses the same class website. You are only required to follow the day and section that you registered for, but if you wish, you can join in more. I will explain all of this as we go forward with our first week or two of classes.

**This is the direct URL / Link to our class Website – https://ct101.commons.gc.cuny.edu/

That link above, that is where EVERYTHING is happening for CT101. 

kermit the frog rigorously typing - animated GIF

The Class Structure – CT101 will be taught both synchronously and asynchronously and you will decide what method works best for you. I am here to help you be the best that you can be in our course. And we are all here to do the same for each other. Our class is a community! The nature of our course is already acquainted with the structure that you see here. (This Internet thing…) A big part of our class is exploring your creativity and being experimental with the Internet! Plus, we will learn about the evolving array of digital tools that are available to us. We do quite a bit of the creative work from our own personal work spaces as we integrate the class work into our lives. Please know, I will screen-record each and every assignment’s description, how-to’s and tutorials and share those videos here on our website. Please think of this website as a repository of information, energy and inspiration for the course (and beyond!)

The Class Website – Our class website takes place on the CUNY Academic Commons! You will soon discover that the Commons is a huge resource and regular source of inspiration and community! Im excited to share this with you all.

**This Week’s Assignment – In the comments section below (scroll down to the bottom of the page) Lets leave our first Comment. Introduce yourself! Tell us a bit about yourself, What is your name? What you are studying here at York College and anything else that you wish to share (favorite movies, activities, ice cream flavor perhaps? Favorite place to visit on the web? What are you most interested in at this moment? Etc..) Feel free to add links too!

**PS -I moderate all the comments to make sure that spam bots don’t spam us into oblivion! If may take a few minutes before your comment shows up, no need to submit it twice if you don’t see it appear right away :))

Also, please explore this website, read through the syllabus and some of the course resources, it will be super helpful in the next coming weeks.


32 thoughts on “Welcome to CT101 – Digital Storytelling! Spring 2021”

  1. Hi, my name is Tyler Dazey, and I’m a freshman at York. I’m 19 years old and I’m a Capricorn. I love to write, play, create and listen to music. I describe myself as a Renaissance person, because I have and learn many new things everyday. I am a Communications and Technology major, and this semester I’m hoping to get a jump start on my core classes for my major. I’m also hoping this class will give me a better perspective on both digital storytelling and graphic design. I want to become a social media influencer and open my own business, and I believe all the classes I’m taking this semester, especially this class, will help me to get more in depth with my creativity. At the moment, I’m most interested in inspiring other people to be the best version of themselves. I’m the type of person that believes that we don’t have to stick to the status quo of life.

  2. Hi, my name is Anju. I am studying B.S Chemistry at York college CUNY and this is my senior year and my last semester here at this college. My favorite movies: I don’t have a favorite movie but my favorite genres are sci-fi and horror and most of the time I watch any genre depending on my mood. My favorite ice-cream flavor is Cookies and cream and pure vanillas. My favorite activities are listening to music, playing games, watching travel vlogs, etc. Right now I am interested in learning to cook.

    1. Hello Anju, you seem like you’re very passionate about science. I am also a Senior at York College. I see that you don’t have a favorite movie. I don’t have a favorite movie either but I do have a favorite series that I can share with you. My favorite Netflix series is Breaking bad. The series has some chemistry in it that might interest you. I hope you give it a shot.

  3. Hello everyone my name is Robert and this is my last semester at York. My major is in logistics and supply chain management and I will be starting my MBA at Georgia state university. I am a military vet and I was fortunate to travel to a few countries. I am a huge foodie. Traveling to places like Korea, Germany and Japan really opened my eyes to many different delicacies this world has to offer but I always love my New York chopped cheese and ketchup from the corner store. I also enjoy skiing and hiking. As of now I am interested in building my complete at home gym since covid has limited our everyday life activities.

    1. Thank you for your service Robert! I am sure you have many interesting stories from all of these amazing places you were able to visit. I too hope that one day I am to travel outside of the US and discover the beauty of other countries.

  4. Hey everyone, The name is Shem. I am a transfer student who is new to York this semester. I am a CT major and this is my junior year of college. Some of my hobbies include streaming video games, podcasting and finding new music to enjoy. Im obsessed with social media (follow me on Twitter @ShemmyTYG) and spend a lot of time on Twitter or in Reddit threads. Also a big sports fan especially basketball (Lets go Celtics☘) and eSports. Right now I’m really focused on myself and the growth of my online projects as well as going to the gym more often and eating healthier.

  5. Hello all, My name is Belal. I am a psychology major with an interest in marketing, advertising, persuasion, and using psychology to influence people to change their mind and take action. I think this course has potential to teach us a useful skill in today’s world, that is telling our story of someone else’s story to inform or persuade.

    I hope you all have a great fun semester.
    Please respond to me your answer, I’m curious to see.

    Random question :
    (From the book of questions by gregory stock)

    Would you steal money from someone wealthy if you could get away with it and thought it was the only way to support your family? What fraction of people in the world do you think would view you as wealthy?

    I hope the answer is no, I think your source of income says a lot about a person. Also, I try to remind myself that the world is abundant and there is a share for everyone.

    As for how many people think I am wealthy , I think most people in “third world” countries would view me as wealthy, so that’s more than half of the people on planet Earth.

    What about you?

  6. My name is Demi Bazán, I prefer people at school and work to address me only as “Bazan” (military habit and keeps things professions, not personal). I am an English major and Studio Art minor. I have been creating since childhood, from architecture to traditional art, sculpting, blogging, and writing.
    My favorite things in life are hotdogs, tune, winter candles, mango Arizona, the ocean, my pet fish “Zaffres” (its a specific shade of blue), and silence.
    Favorite website is tumblr, here is mine: https://heartofrosequartz.tumblr.com please be advised, there is SOME nudity with the intention to praise the women’s body, nothing too crazy. If you decide to take a look, I highly recommend to do so on a computer because everything from theme, to layout, to color scheme is absolutely intentional and does convey a story.
    Something interesting right now is the world, like what is really going on?
    I do not surf the web a lot, usually Im very late on trends, I prefer to focus on things that feed my intellect and playing Parchisi 80% of the time (if you have the app, we can play!)
    Looking forward to interacting with all of you <3

  7. Hello everyone in CT101! My name is Maria and this is my third year here at York. I am a business administration major with an, concentration in human resources, and a minor in education. Currently, I am going to school full-time while working part-time. I really enjoy little fun activities, such as going to the movies, discovering new ice cream nooks, good food spots, going to the beach, and basically anything and everything, as long as I am not home.

  8. Hi. I’m James Bailey, a journalism major. I’m taking this class as required for my degree but also interested in the creative aspect of the class. I’m excited to learn another creative outlet that I can use with my creative writing and more.

    Outside of school, I have a non-creative job, so I embrace creativity for fun and balance. During this pandemic I’ve been trying new things like sewing my own cool sweatshirts and getting back into making playlists to make continuous party music mixes on my dj system. It’s pretty fun.

  9. Hi. I’m Paula Gomez. I am from Ecuador. My major is Studio art. I am taking this class because someone told me that I might like this class. I enjoy making desserts; I do not make them all the time. Also, I love watch k- dramas and read romance mangas.

  10. My name is Asar John. I am a junior at York majoring in journalism. Since you asked, I do love ice cream, it’s my favorite dessert and my favorite flavor would be between Grapenut and Mango ice cream. Outside of school life, activities I enjoy most are cooking, writing, and going on walks around my neighborhood while listening to a good podcast. Since we will be utilizing the web entirely in this class, I’ll mention what used to be my favorite place on the web– since I currently don’t have one. Growing up I enjoyed playing the online game, Club Penguin. It was something I always looked forward to every Friday night 🙂

  11. Hi everyone, My name is Nafisa Tabassum. My major is in Computer Science and my minor is in Mathematics at York College. Currently, I am interning part -time at a company as an IT intern. I love to watch science fiction movies and documentaries. One of my favorite movies is Interstellar. I also love to travel to new places. I like writing and listening to spiritual music. My favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry. I am very excited about learning about new technologies through this class and my other computer science classes. I look forward to learning new materials of this class and meeting everyone virtually!

  12. My name is Janice. I’m a Sociology major and History minor. To balance my school/work life, I do puzzles, write and go hiking with my dog. I’m also a huge fan of Disney movies but I do enjoy other genres too. It’s nice to meet you all and I look forward to working together! ?

  13. hi! My name is Suyi Yang. My major is aviation mangement. I just swap from other course to this course yesterday so I did not take the first class. Hope did not miss anything important. This is my last semester in York, but I have no idea what to do in futre. I am excited because it is my first time to take this kind of class. It seems like lot of challenges there. I love play games but I am not a good player, and I do not have enough time to play games these years 🙁 . I do not like watching romance movies, but my favorite move is FLIPPED, which is a romance movies. However, hope I can do well in this class.

  14. My name is Omoniyi Sulu, I am a Junior at York College. I Major in Speech Communication & Theatre Arts. I love things such as watching anime, dramas, also reading webcomics and other fun activities such as swimming cause I work as a Lifeguard in the city. I picked up a habit of drawing however am not that good at it. Outside of school I also am a tik-toker who makes videos on content that fits my interests. I took this class because it had picked my interests, It looked fun and I feel like it’s going to help me learn and put it in my daily life after this class is over the semester.

  15. Hello! I am Vinika. I am a Junior year English major with a minor in Digital Studies. I took this class because not only does it fulfil a requirement for my minor but it also seems like a relevant and fun class (Plus a friend recommended me to take it). Outside of academics, I like to relax, watch TV shows, play video games and go out to eat at new places around NYC with my siblings and friends. Right now I’m playing Hallow Knight and it’s getting more interesting every time I play. But as the semester goes on I’ll probably have less time to play. I spend most of my time on Instagram over all other social medias because it connects me to more people than any other social platform and it’s also the source for memes. Hopefully this semester is fun and I get to create some cool things.

  16. Hey everyone, My name is Garrick. I am a freshmen at York College. While my major is undecided my interests fall under art and animation, which is why I thought this course would be interesting and fun for me to take. Outside of school I like watching movies and tv shows, playing games, or hanging out with my siblings. My three younger brothers and one younger sister to be exact.

  17. Hello all, my name is John Akinleye. I am a pre-medical Biology major. I am studying biology because I want to become a surgeon. I am a senior at York College and I will be graduating this year. I have many interests, which include go karting, going to the shooting range, reading, watching Netflix and playing basketball. Initially I’m a very closed off person but once I get comfortable, you’ll see my brimming personality. In this class I hope to explore my creative side and see what I am capable of creating. I hope we all have a great semester!

  18. Hello Everyone ! My name is Ymacula and I live in Southeast Queens. I am a Communications Technology major concentrating in Web Design and Development and I am minoring in Psychology. Before York I attended Adelphi University. After I graduate I would like to become a UX/UI designer. I would also like to continue to perfect my skills and do some free lance work. I do not wish to have one set job. My goal is to enjoy what I do and to be flexible with my time. I have interests in a lot of different different things. As a child I played the piano/organ, performed modern, jazz and hip hop dance and I was into modeling. I’ve also done a little bit of improv. When I got to high school I got into sports. I played Soccer and ran Track for my school and played club soccer as well. I’ve always been interested in graphic design, animation, and always considered myself tech savvy. I came to the realization that CT would be the best option for me.

  19. Hey guys! My name is Cassie Khan. I am a Political Science Major and Pre-Law Minor. This is my last semester at York college (*woohoo*). I plan on going to law school next year which I’m very excited about. My ultimate favorite movies will have to be any of the Star Wars or Harry Potter movies. Anything Marvel is also really cool. I love to play the Sims especially the building aspect of the game. I also enjoy painting and I still try to keep up with it but really I haven’t been motivated to do so, with the whole pandemic and all. As of right now, I’m interested in re-watching the Simpsons, Futurama, and Netflix’s Disenchantment is a good binge-worthy option as well.

    I’m really excited about this class. I look forward to incorporating and/or creating memes or gifs. I have a meme album in my photos I’m working on actually and I use them a lot in conversation as it helps me to express myself and add humor.

    I wish everyone the best this semester!



  20. Hello everyone, my name is Justin. I live in St. Albans, Queens and am a sophomore at York College. I have recently decided on majoring in Communications Technology. I’m very excited to take this class as it’ll start to introduce me to the CT world and the many things that I can learn in it. Outside of academics, I like to watch anime, play video games, and teach myself how to cut hair ( I’ve been practicing these last couple of months). I hope everyone’s semester goes well!

  21. Hello Everyone!
    My name is Anil Mangroo. This is my final semester here at York College studying Aviation Management. Im really excited to graduate and finally start my career working for an organization that heavily impacts society. When it comes to hobbies I really love working on cars, painting abstract art, cooking Italian dishes and traveling the East coast. I love to eat Chicken tenders and Pizza lol. As for this class I am enthusiastic to learn website development and see whats in store for us. Cheers!

  22. Hello everyone, I am Tobias Adams. Currently, I am a lower senior at York Studying Business Administration. I love to read manga and watch anime but also have a love for movies and TV series looking forward to interacting with all of you 🙂 .

  23. Hello everyone,
    My name is Andres Fernandez and this is my third year at York College. I’m majoring in communication technology majoring with a television production concertation and a film minor. I’m super interested in the production of film and TV so I’m glad I’m taking all these CT classes that allow you to use your creativity. My hobbies include watching soccer, and mostly learning to use adobe programs such as photoshop and adobe premier pro. My goal with learning these programs is hopefully it helps with my creativity. I’m super excited for CT 101 and excited for the semester and cant wait to learn more!

  24. Hello everyone, my name is Davion Reeves. This is my final year at york college and if it goes right I’ll graduate in June. My major is sociology and my minor is psychology. I got recommended to take this class by my friend Chelsea and I’m interested to get better with technology. my hobbies include going for walks (at least before corona happened), playing games, and cooking. my favorite food is pizza and my favorite ice cream is vanilla. i may not be good with technology but i’m hoping i can get better with this class 🙂

  25. Hello Everyone, My name is Glorimar Gonzalez. I am a senior at York College my major is Sociology but I will continue my education because my goal is to be a Physician Assistant (PA). My hobby is to do nails, well it’s more than a hobby it’s my actual job. I have been doing nails since I was 14 years old, it is my passion. I also teach how to do nails to young ladies that want to enter the cosmetology world. I choose to take this class as an elective without knowing what it was about, but now that I know what is the class is about, I am very excited to learn how to make a website and exhibit my Nails Artwork!

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