What Makes Me Happy

To be quite frank, not much of anything on the internet makes me happy these days. I TRY to avoid it and focus my attention on the things I want and have to do for myself. However, from time to time, I find myself looking at images of kittens, dawning over getting one.

via GIPHY 

I found this GIF on GIPHY, it’s a GIF of a cat, (although not a kitten), jumping headfirst into a bank of snow. I chose this because the snow is the second item that’s been making me happy lately. Seeing the snow-covered ground and houses along with the silence of the night when the snow has fallen is something that’s really pleasant to me. It’s what reminds me of growing up in New York during the winter and it’s delighting to see after we had a mild winter with no snow last year.



Posted by @mtanyctpic, photographed by @eugenearmer on Instagram

Linked above is a picture I found on Instagram of a snow-capped B train traveling through Brooklyn. This particular stretch of the line always looks satisfying when the snow blankets the open-cut trackage.