Assignment #10: WordPress Customization

WordPress Customization Part 1

Lets Do This GIF by National Geographic Channel

What will you work on first?

First, I want to work on removing the default WordPress content. By doing this, I will be able to add titles, menus, and other things that I want people to see that are specific to my website.

Interested GIF by reactionseditor

Will you create a series of new pages?

While I am planning on adding new pages to the website, I don’t plan on making too many. I feel like too many pages will overwhelm the viewers of my website. I want my pages to be straight to the point, and easy to find.

Customize the home page?

obviously GIF

Without customizing the home page, the website will look really boring, and I doubt anyone will stay on the website long. I plan on adding some type of image for the background of the website, and, if possible, I will like there to be a picture under the words. I feel like having a picture directly behind all the writing on my website would look cool and be very engaging.

In addition, if possible, I would like to add background music for the site. Maybe a chill song by Robert Glasper or Oscar Peterson to show the type of music I am into.

Example of a possible song:

Publish a blog post?

Idiot Do I Look Stupid GIF by MASTERPIECE | PBS

I thought this would obvious. I think it would be in my best interest to post blogs on my website. This would allow me to share some of my thoughts on music theory, new music I discover, new techniques or piano sounds I found, and a lot more. If I didn’t blog these things, my website would lack a lot of content.

How Will You Use This Website?

Silly me, I already sort of answered this question during the last question.

Video gif. Montage of real and animated characters like Batman, Conan O'Brien, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carell as Michael Scott and Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard. They all lower their heads, close their eyes, and put an open palm to their face.

Nonetheless, I plan on using this website to blog about new music I discover and like, new techniques and concepts of music theory I am trying to better understand and apply to my music, and maybe answer questions about music based on what I understand so far. I will also be using this website to post some of my performances that I did, and maybe display some music I have created.

The End

I am excited to display my website when it is more completed, but nervous to try and bring my ideas to life. Either way, this should be a fun experience.

Thats It Season 1 GIF by SHOWTIME

1 thought on “Assignment #10: WordPress Customization”

  1. Sounds like a fantastic plan! Your approach to WordPress customization is well-thought-out, focusing on removing default content and creating a streamlined, engaging user experience. Keeping the number of pages minimal will help maintain clarity and ease of navigation for your visitors. Customizing the homepage with background images and possibly music will add a personal and captivating touch. Blogging about your musical journey and discoveries will provide rich content and valuable insights to your audience. Best of luck with your website – it’s going to be amazing!

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