Assignment 11: Final Post

In CT101, I have learned…


I have learned so many things but most importantly the many ways to tell a story. First, we learned how to make engaging and unique blog posts, which has completely changed how I approach project creation in other classes.

Next, through the DS106 Assignment Bank, I tested my skills in other media forms. I worked on journaling and photo-editing, two forms of expression I am not accustomed to but definitely stuck with me. The Canva application I tinkered with in Assignment #5, ended up being what I used to create fun graphics for another class’s final (pictured above)!

Lastly, the biggest thing I learned was that either I am a genius or anyone can create a website! Website creation was my favorite part of this course by far! I see myself continuing to edit and add to my blog throughout the summer. It has become an extension and explanation of my personality; and as I develop, I want the blog to grow as well!

My biggest passion of recent has been fitness, and I would love to use this blog to archive my progress and talk through different topics in the fitness world! Also, my favorite part about New York summers is the vibrance of Caribbean Heritage that exists around Caribbean Heritage Month. That would be great content to blog about! If I actually go through with being an influencer one day, this could serve as practice for me to do research and talk about myself in engaging ways!

I think considering how much effort I put in even though I have missed some assignments, I would give myself somewhere between a C+ and a B. Thank you all for a great semester!

1 thought on “Assignment 11: Final Post”

  1. Haha that fist GIF!!
    Love the humor, and thank you so much!
    It was a really fun and all too fast semester!
    Great work was completed and we have all learned something new about ourselves through each others work, participation and weekly practice in the CT101-universe!
    I appreciate your hard work and the hyperlinks here!
    Thank you!
    Have a great summer!

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