Assignment #12 – Sharing Website URL and Progress

As was required of us, I took some time to peek into the websites of my classmates.

The first website that really appealed to me was Louannie Smith’s The site name “raaiwlou”, as I found out, is an acronym for “Read All About it With Lou” which I think is a sleek move.

The website was quite easy to navigate with a nice template but what struck me was how simple and effective the first post was.
Using very few words, the writer was able to introduce the readers to the website in such a way that it felt like they were having an actual conversation even when the writer was not there.  And when I was done, I did leave a comment (more like a thumbs up.)

The other website that I really liked was Mac-Dege’s
On the website, pictures played a very significant role is conveying messages.
The first image that I saw when I visited the website was the image of a Nike Air Jordans with the wearer’s orange sock showing the words “EMBRACE CHANGE” Not so subtle huh?

The post that I really liked on the website was tagged “SNEAKERS AND MOVEMENTS”.

“Why?” you might ask.

The answer is simple; the title, which I think is a double entendre because aside the story that was shared on the post, we all know that sneaking is also a form of movement.