Assignment #2 -First Impressions

What did you think on the first day of the CT101?


I thought it was going to be only online, it was being held online for two weeks and it seemed like it was going to stay like that. I know he had COVID-19, but then the class was just being pushed back. I’m glad we were able to come together in person.

Did you like hearing about the course and its creative content? How did it make you feel?


I have been trying to be a better content creator and when I heard what was in store for me in this class, I said wow this is my shot to level up my media presence. Yes, Flightreact is one of my inspirations.

How does CT101 compare to some of your other classes so far?


Wow, the way this teacher feels like a modern teacher with his ideology and teaching ways is somewhat of a relief. Everyone else wants to be NPC and things of that nature.

What are the creative potentials of this class?


Creativity is beyond imagination, we are only able to think about what we know but if we continue to learn skills then our creativity can grow as well. Just as the concept of infinity is hard to think of is the same way the possibilities of someone’s creativity are endless.

How do you feel about learning new skills that use Internet tools?



Learning new things is a way to better your life. A new skill every day is knowledge that you can spread to the world and make it better than yesterday one conversation at a time. As a person who does not like to ask for help, I would rather learn the skill and not ask every time I need to use the skill. Independent than Dependent!

4 thoughts on “Assignment #2 -First Impressions”

  1. Thank you!
    So far so good!
    The best part about blogging, we can always update our existing work!
    This post needs to address a few of the missing details that the assignment asks of us, take another look and update things this week as you go!
    Looking forward to it!
    Thank you!

      1. Thank you sir! This is a great revision and expansion of things!
        I would it if you shared your opinions and or reflections on what you thought of the Giphy and Imgur tools, did you enjoy making GIFs with them? Also, did you enjoy the articles on GIF history? Check out the assignment details again for reference, thank you!

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