Tried all the stairs and escalators steps to find M403, me finally getting there, me finding the door closed, me wiping the sweat of my face, me seeing the door closed thanking God I am the first one and am not late, me waiting, me doubting If I am at the right classroom, me refuse to type all this log in detail of blackboard into my phone to see if anything changed, me stubbornly waiting an extra 10 min, aahhh me losing patience and therefor forcing myself to navigate myself unto the annoying blackboard platform, me finding out class got canceled. you-must-be-kidding-me!!!
Did you like hearing about the course and its creative content? How did it make you feel?
Getting our first assignment, I felt overwhelmed by seeing all the information how to set up my account and having a first assignment without an in-person session. So I had to take a step back, take a deep breath and read things thoroughly in order to apply and survive my first blog post ever!
How does CT101 compare to some of your other classes so far?
I like that I get the space in this class, to kind of figure things out in my own space and time. This class allows me to put my own ideas and creative input into given assignments unless like other classes where there is only one correct input, or answers already predetermined by a book.
What are the creative potentials of this class?

I got this! I will be mastering skills of applying digital art into my storytelling concepts. And finally fulfilling my inspiration of becoming a real blogger and content creator.
How do you feel about learning new skills that use Internet tools?
Thank you!
This post is off to great start!
Lets take another at the assignment details as it asks us to also make a few GIFs by experimenting with tools like GIPHy and Imgur – there are also many historical GIF references that can be applied to your post as well, lets dig in and update the post this week!
Thank you!