- One assignment I believe I can accomplish at my current skill level is the Destination Poster assignment, the instructions are to make a destination poster for a place.
First I go on DDG to find an interesting landmark that catches and I’d want to go to.

The image that caught my interest is this fountain with Roman Baroque-style sculptures, it is called the Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain) and is located in Italy, Rome.
First I download the image and then I go to Lunapic, my favorite image editing website.

And then I search for a font color and shape I think would match up nicely with the image and…

A destination poster.
2. Another project I don’t know how to do yet but would love to is the video game project unfortunately I cannot figure out how to make it.
Hi Mahir. I came across this project too. Though I did not choose to do it, I liked what you made out of it. The only thing is, I feel like to bring the poster to the next level will be changing the font to give it more of a destination feel. Even if you decide to leave it as is, I still like it because not only does the background of the poster attract viewers, but the pink font blends in and goes with it.
I didn’t choose this project, but it does seem interesting. I just feel like the font and color of text can be changed to feel like it fits with the image more.
I think so too, the font color is a bit hard to see – hmmm, what color would work better?
Thank you!
For this – “Another project I don’t know how to do yet but would love to is the video game project unfortunately I cannot figure out how to make it.”
Can you add the link to the project so we can see which one it is 🙂