this project upon reding it sounded fun!!!
at first I had to decide what images wanted to us for my cartoon mashup that I am doing. so my first step was trying to find the perfect background image for my project.

the next part was me try to find the perfect background form this show I’ve been watching called craig of the creek.
once I have my background selected and loaded into mmm.page its time to work my magic

and there we have it the final results! so I added my 2 favorite characters from one of my favorite childhood shows called Codename kids next door. the one in the orange sweater name is Wallabee Beatles but in the show they go by numbers, so he would be referred to as number 4. and the girl in the green sweater name is Kuki Sanban and her number is 3. and last in the middle is actually craig from craig of the creek. i chose them for this project because their shows are pretty similar because they both are focused around kids and their adventures, and seeming as thought theses shoes might get a real mash up special on tv I figured ill lead the way.
Hey kane I love your project it looks fun and nostalgic, I grew up watching kids next door number #3 was my favorite. Ive seen a few episodes of Craig of the creek but couldn’t get into it not sure if its my type of show.