Assignment #6- REFLECTION

How am I doing in CT101?

I am doing great in CT101 in my opinion. I fairly enjoy the class and because of it I try my best in the class. 

What have I learned and retained the most?

I have learned how to use my skills to be a more creative storyteller.

What new skills have I developed , cultivated and displayed regularly in my weekly posts?

I have developed the skills of making gifs, using photo collages and making memes. I have been displaying these skills on a weekly basis.

What do I know now that I did not know before taking this class?

I did not know that making these things would be so easily accessible. To be fair, even though everything is internet accessible these days, sometimes it requires you to pay.

What grade do I believe I am maintaining and why do I deserve that grade?

I believe that I am maintaining a calm B+ in the class. I think I deserve that grade because even though my work may be kind of good, my attendance isn’t the best.

Do I see my weekly blogging work expanding creatively? If so, please explain why –  or am I stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time, how will I change that? 

I do feel as though my weekly posts have been getting better as time progresses. I have been coming up with many different creative ways to broadcast a story to keep the readers entertained.

Are there any assignments that you are missing? If so, list them.

I am not missing any assignments.

Are you commenting regularly on your classmates’ posts? Are you responding back to comments given to you by the professor & your classmates?

To be very honest I have not been commenting or responding to any comments but I will try my best from now on.Homer Simpson Reaction GIF by Justin

Are you participating during the class time? If not, explain why.

I have not been participating in class as much but I will try to be more participating. 

TV gif. In a scene from You Are My Spring, Hyeon-Jin Seo as Kang Da Jeong slowly and awkwardly looks at the floor like she's just said the wrong thing. Text, "Oops."

This is the time to be accountable. How will you make needed improvements?

I need to make improvements by coming to class more and participating, replying to and commenting on others’ posts. I will try my best to make it to class and interact and ask questions when I don’t understand and I will show more gratitude by responding to others’ comments and also commenting on others’ posts.

6 thoughts on “Assignment #6- REFLECTION”

  1. Thank you!
    A little revision goes a long way, great work on the update and the post as a whole!
    I really love the gif selections that match your accountability on things, I appreciate this!
    You are easily maintaining the B+ and can still reach the gold at the end of the semester with better attendance, you got this! Forward we go!
    Thank you!

  2. Hey Renika. I liked your “oops” gif because I found it funny. A suggestion to help you comment on others’ posts is to comment on at least 2 people’s posts as soon as you post on your blog. This way, you complete the whole assignment at once and you do not have to worry about coming back to the assignment again. Hopefully, this tip will be useful for you.

  3. It’s great to hear that you’re enjoying CT101 and putting in your best effort! Reflecting on your progress and identifying the skills you’ve developed is an important step in recognizing your growth.

    Your ability to use your skills to become a more creative storyteller is a valuable asset. From making gifs to crafting memes and photo collages, you’ve demonstrated a diverse range of talents that you consistently incorporate into your weekly posts.

    Acknowledging areas for improvement, such as commenting on classmates’ posts and actively participating in class, shows your willingness to take accountability and make necessary changes. Remember, interaction and engagement are essential components of the learning process, both in and out of the classroom.

    Keep up the excellent work

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