When first thinking of domain names for my site some of my first thoughts were what would symbolize a community based site that promotes the expression of ideas. After running through names like thinktank, ideahouse, my namesake lcollins and a tie in with my clothing site safehavenblog. I finally settled on the simpler safehaventhinks.com. With this site I wanted to have an open source chat feature and I’m also exploring options on the submission of user creations.
My worries are of course potential bugs and possibly the need for moderation or restrictions. I’m excited about having a domain but, when you have so many options on where you want to take it its difficult to stick to one focus. I don’t want my site to end up cluttered with adding to many things.

Great, we are cooking now!
Take a other look at the images in this post, some of them appear to have broken and are not displaying correctly – sometimes you have edit the post and re-add them.
Thank You!