Experimenting with Domain names and finally speaking and finally ending with “Threads and Headlines”. For those of you who didn’t see my the explanation behind it, the reason is it’s the name of my page on Instagram. Since I’m doing a journalism internship I wanted to share my passion for both fashion and journalism.
Threads, like the threads and needles used in sewing, and headlines, like the large font used in newspapers to indicate the subject matter of each article.
I think it would best suit for the type of content I want to post. Some ideas I was thinking about including is trending fashion item, fashion tips, fashion do’s and don’ts, and many more.
As far as the process of creating the account it was fairly easy. At some point in class I was following as the professor displayed it on the screens and then I left the rest to do at home.
I ran into some issues accessing and installing Word Press. Here are some screenshots of the process along with some GIFS to see how I felt.

Hey Joi. I liked your reasoning behind your domain name. I am also glad that we did not have to pay for anything too because it makes things easier on us.