Assignment 9&10: Domain Names and Some Feelings about Change

Of course, I totally neglected to take screenshots when we first set up the site 🤦‍♀️ I kept psyching myself up just to make myself make a decision that I completely lost sight of one of the key objectives. But ultimately, the site it up. It’s live. It’s real. I have my own website. My little page on the web that I can use as I see fit and worst of all? It wasn’t anywhere near as hard as I thought it would be. Now of course we always think we know how good we are at something, but I think I’ve always categorized people who make websites in an entirely separate box from me, a lifelong website visitor. 

Crossing that threshold feels… big. Like I’m really doing something different. I don’t know how I want the site to look or how I want to put things up or what but I’m sure I’ll figure something out by looking at other author sites. Yes, the writing won!

My first order of business? I had to ask ChatGPT how to make this website look like something and find a little Linkedin Learning Course (free for all CUNY York College students, faculty and staff!) to guide me in the right direction. For a while, it’s going to look like the default, but I want to get it a nice sleek look that will inspire the hearts of potential readers to lend me their eyes (and wallets). 
Luckily I have a few friends who have published books with beautiful websites so I will be asking them for tips and advice in the meantime.