Assignment 11: So Long, Farewell, auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

Well folks, here we are.
All these weeks flew by and with such speed!
They say time is a thief, but it’s really a track star, putting even some of our finest runners to shame. In this time I feel like I learned a lot about myself and my process.
I’ve always considered myself a tech-savvy individual but creating my website always seemed out of my depth for me. I never would have believed that all it would take was a few clicks and some image searching. It just felt like websites were a bit out of my depth. Although I grew up in the era of Myspace and social media sites that pushed users to edit their pages with code, I always saw it as something difficult. It was easy when I was editing my top eight to be surrounded by glitter hearts and flowers.

But now that time has caught up to us and the semester has come to an end I find myself facing some very interesting facts:

  1. I now own and operate my very own website
  2. That website has real, actionable content.
  3. I made, or (ethically) found all of the content that wasn’t code
  4. And I know how to do the whole thing all over again from start to finish

Now, of course, the website isn’t perfect by any means. It’s still got a pretty basic layout that I’m dying to update! However, my website has a few key things that I’m especially proud of!

Firstly? It has my very first author bio featuring a commissioned artwork of myself that I requested specifically for a purpose like this.

I ordered it something like a year ago thinking it would be my avatar on my author’s social media, but now I have my own domain! I don’t need social media to get the word out since I have my own site! Secondly? I was able to set up a contact form!

This was the most stressful part for me, despite it ultimately being very simple. A mailing list is any artists bread and butter and I’d never put in the work before to cultivate it. But now that I’ve done it feels like I’m on top of the world.

What I have now includes a menu, a coming soon page, and my author intro page. For this class, I have posted three blog posts but have also made separate web pages. For the next few weeks, I will still be working on it and after the holiday season passes I’ll start plugging it into my social media and promoting it.I’m going to hide the first chapter sneak peek and make it something they can get emailed later to catch more newsletter signups.

Beyond the technical aspects, I feel like I’ve learned so much in this class. I learned how to buy a domain name, set up a website, and work on it piece by piece. I could go through my classmates’ posts and read them all, learning so much about them and how they approach life. I’ve also learned to go easy on myself. My constant quest for perfection has left me living a life that feels… boring. I don’t want to keep cracking away at things and be too shy to share in case there are errors. I want to own every bit of it for better or for worse. A mistake isn’t the end of the world, it’s just the end of a mindset. When you touch a hot stove and get burned, you don’t drop dead into a pillar of ash, you just get a booboo. 

I’m going to move forward more comfortably with imperfection one typo at a time.

My blog posts: 

To Sail the Ocean Blue

Oh Let Me Count the Ways

The Meme Dream: Our Cultural Legacy

Oh Passion, my passion, where have you gone?

To Catch the Wind

Immediacy? Please don’t rush! 

The Middle Part! Domain Expansion?

Domain Names and Some Feelings about Change

My website: VS Olivier

Thank you to everyone for your insights and company. We had a great semester this time around. Well…

Assignment 9&10: Domain Names and Some Feelings about Change

Of course, I totally neglected to take screenshots when we first set up the site 🤦‍♀️ I kept psyching myself up just to make myself make a decision that I completely lost sight of one of the key objectives. But ultimately, the site it up. It’s live. It’s real. I have my own website. My little page on the web that I can use as I see fit and worst of all? It wasn’t anywhere near as hard as I thought it would be. Now of course we always think we know how good we are at something, but I think I’ve always categorized people who make websites in an entirely separate box from me, a lifelong website visitor. 

Crossing that threshold feels… big. Like I’m really doing something different. I don’t know how I want the site to look or how I want to put things up or what but I’m sure I’ll figure something out by looking at other author sites. Yes, the writing won!

My first order of business? I had to ask ChatGPT how to make this website look like something and find a little Linkedin Learning Course (free for all CUNY York College students, faculty and staff!) to guide me in the right direction. For a while, it’s going to look like the default, but I want to get it a nice sleek look that will inspire the hearts of potential readers to lend me their eyes (and wallets). 
Luckily I have a few friends who have published books with beautiful websites so I will be asking them for tips and advice in the meantime.

Assignment 7: The Middle Part! Domain Expansion?

So far I think I’ve learned a lot more in this course than I thought I would. Initially, I joined because I thought it would be interesting to discover what it was like to be in a class with a professor who has a perfect score on rate my professor and to see what has changed in the field of communications since I got my first degree. I think my first two posts were weak compared to my more recent posts. I wasn’t quite sure of what to put hyperlinks-wise because I didn’t make a habit of reading blogs back in the day. Even when I was a kid scrolling the internet freely, I wasn’t looking at blogs I was looking for anime and Japanese language tutorials. And even when I started blogging it was on micro blog sites like Tumblr where you post and repost as you like. I’ve never had an intentional blogging practice before.

I feel like this class has trained my eye to look more carefully at things than ever before. Now when I’m scrolling I try to scroll less and really take things in. When I watch things I’m thinking “that might make a cool gif”. Speaking of, I never even knew I could make gifs before. I would be so impressed with gifset makers when I was on Tumblr, thinking they had some crazy, unattainable skill when I could have just taken a tutorial and been amongst their ranks! 

It really challenged the way I saw content creation as well. I won’t go so far as to say it’s easy, but I think that having an established content creation practice where you take the time to put yourself out there and hone your skills as you go is much more manageable than I’ve been thinking. When YouTube first came out I was watching videos already so impressed and now those same people have amazing camera quality and professional editing they probably never imagined being able to afford

When you watch something change right before your eyes it can be hard to realize that change is happening at all. But you can’t compare your day one to someone else’s day one thousand. Despite knowing this I’m still anxious about the prospect of setting up my own website. The idea of making a site and having to commit to an idea makes me queasy. I’ve known this was coming the whole semester and yet I’m still torn about what to choose. On one hand I could finally make a photography website and live my best life with my camera and my cellphone. But on the other hand, this could be a low-stakes way for me to start my author website to drum up interest for my debut novel and other writing projects. I could take this time to really commit and dedicate myself to the craft.

I’m still too wishy washy at this point to make a decision but we have time. I know the answer will come to me, even if I just decide on impulse [Note: I did end up deciding on impulse]. I think I still have a lot to learn and improve so far, especially since I fell behind a bit, but I think I’m starting to get what this whole thing is all about. Even if I’m not, I’m still enjoying the process of a collaborative learning environment.

See Ya Goodbye GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Assignment 6: Immediacy? Please don’t rush!

When I opened figma I instantly closed the tab and said: nope!

No Way Reaction GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

I know this assignment is all about creativity but I’m actually terminally avoidant of overly blank canvases. I preferred mmm because it had a ‘smaller’ canvas and I was able to really consider what I wanted to do within the confines of those restrictions. I drew out a little starting point to get the mental juices flowing. 

Back in 2012 my college had this mandatory freshman orientation where we were basically kept awake from dusk till dawn the week before classes started. It was, as I was later told, partially a way for us to get used to the campus but also a way to keep us from becoming homesick that first week and having a breakdown. It was torture and the summer was especially hot so we were baking in the sun for our “week of pre class fun”. 

Fun Spongebob GIF by MOODMAN - Find & Share on GIPHY

The one reprieve was the daily ‘workshop’ we were each allowed to choose a class that seemed interesting and go with a small group to participate. Some chose soccer, theater, or some kind of science experiment. I ended up choosing bookbinding. I had no idea what it entailed as I had never previously bound a book but the professor who ran the workshop that day was also a professor for the art program, not someone hired in or borrowed from another campus. 

She was completely at ease as she showed us around the classroom and explained the process of what we would be doing that day. Each of us was presented with the components for a book: thicker cover paper, multiple sheets of interior paper, a needle, and thread to bring it on home. But we were also presented with a massive stack of magazines to peruse. I was initially confused but the professor went on to explain that the book needed a cover and a part of the exercise would be to cut out and paste these clippings in a way that spoke to us. 

Disney Shrug GIF by O&O, Inc - Find & Share on GIPHY

Now I weirdly have this fear about collages. I hate to cut things out of magazines because I feel like it ruins the magazine and destroys the “perfection” of a thoughtfully arranged piece of print. Exacto knifing out a tangerine felt like punting a baby penguin to me. Easy, but unimaginably traumatizing. I cannot explain to you in words how difficult it was to make that first cut. I truly agonized over it. 

Sad Girl GIF by susi - Find & Share on GIPHY

But cut I did. And after the first one, it was easier. There was no more sanctity to protect so I went through looking for things to pull together to suit my vision. The piece is now lost to time but I put together a sort of sunset using a single actual sun and a collection of unrelated images that came together just so to trick the mind into thinking “wow. This is the sky.” I felt so happy and proud during my little show-and-tell session at the end after we’d all sewn our books.

Behold Riot Games GIF by League of Legends - Find & Share on GIPHY

I couldn’t get quite the same feeling from this assignment as I decided to tackle a different anxiety: scrapbooks. I love scrapbooking. In theory. In practice I have the same fear of imperfection like “what if I lay this doilies lace around this photo so wrong that my house burns down?” I don’t know what God of Scrapbooking I would have to offend to make that happen but it lingers all the same. I collected a few images that were related to my interests and then combined them with little stickers that mmm provided. 

Please Clap Jeb Bush GIF by MOODMAN - Find & Share on GIPHY

While I tend to have a similar concern about the daunting permanence of sticker placement in the virtual field I felt as free a bird. Placing and replacing with ease as I made my design come to life. I knew I was done because it just made me happy to look at in the end.

Marie Kondo GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Everything had color and movement and flowed well to me. It reminded me of the brief period when I would decorate my laptop with stickers (until I found out it tanked the resale value).

You asked what it means to be alive. Maybe nothing, honestly. Not in some, “Woe is me!” sort of sense but in a cosmic sense. Maybe being alive has no meaning. It’s like the wind and the rain and the sun. Life and being alive happen because they must. All things have their cycles and the part that makes me happiest is that we as humans get to make our own meaning. We get to decide what our lives mean, and what our loved ones mean to us. Whether or not to even have loved ones. I’m still discovering what my life means. It might not mean anything to the greater cosmos but maybe the discovery is the point. Maybe my purpose is to learn and keep learning and sharing that knowledge.  Either way, I’ll be the one to make my own meaning for myself in this life.

Here’s The mmm

Assignment 5: To Catch the Wind

This one was a little interesting to me mainly because my mind immediately (heh, get it?) went to the idea of making a kind of symbolic destination or to an activity I’ve never participated in before. “Welcome to Calm Peaceful Quiet Mind”, “Greetings From Full Night’s Sleep” but I just couldn’t feel satisfied with those options even when I tired my hand on making/editing my own image.
The skill taste gap for me is still too broad. I really want it to be a tiny little puddle but at times it feels like a chasm. So ultimately it was Canva to save the day (kind of).
The vibe was a bit Night Vale-ian, which I liked but it was quite what I wanted. I brought together a bunch of different pieces of clip art on Canva. I’m always on canva making book cover mock ups when I should be writing(oops). It seems so interesting to me that Canva Pro has so many options yet I always feel like I don’t have much to work with because my specifics are… well, too specific.
Ultimately I decided to focus on a real world event that I want to attend. Every April, when the sky is clear and the weather starts to warm, Weifang hosts their Kite festival. Weifang, China a city in the Shandong province, is famous for their International Kite Festival. Every year artists create amazing and beautiful kites to fly and show off their skills in both design and aerodynamics. From what I’ve heard its great fun for the whole family.
People travel far and wide just to see the kites take to the sky and the best part? It’s free! Now of course the opening ceremony costs about 15-30 USD but overall the event is free to attend.
I don’t remember what I was doin that week to miss it but either way its come and gone, maybe 2024? I searched the web for a variety of different images of the kite festival and found a lot of good information on it overall.  The following image was the end result. It’s a little plain but I felt I was able to show a variety of kites and capture the energy of the day. The bright crisp April day with all the kites in the air and the beautiful craftsmanship that goes into to giving them their “wings”.

Assignment 4: Oh Passion, my passion, where have you gone?

I thought very long and hard about this prompt. I have a lot of half-finished drafts that focus on writing. I say things like “Oh writing is my greatest love”, and “Writing is the one thing I can’t live without” but that’s not quite true. Of course, I love writing. I can’t sleep most nights unless I put at least a few words on paper, but it’s not the act of writing that I love. It’s storytelling.

Hello Kitty Writing GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

The writing is just a medium for the soul-deep desire to spin a tale that will rivet and inspire. In the same way that I’m pulled to make art or speak, I’m drawn to create. It feels a little cliche to say in a storytelling class that my passion is storytelling, but I’m not here to be revolutionary. I’m here to be honest. 

I have always loved stories. Reading, writing, watching. I’m in love with every part of our human desire to share all kinds of things with one another. Even just sharing our boring day-to-day thoughts is so exciting to me. I want to hear about your breakfast order, about how the cook at the Bodega lovingly fried the egg and toasted the bread for your baconeggandcheese. I want to hear about how nicely it was folded. How warm it was on the cold, cold new York City day (a commodity now) and how that warmth brought you to life. I’m obsessed with how you take your tea, no cream and two sugars. The smile you shared with the cashier as they wished you “a nice day mami”.

Happy Power GIF by Cartoon Hangover - Find & Share on GIPHY

Our lives are all made up of these tiny stories that don’t feel like stories. We all forget how precious the small things are because we don’t speak of them. We save the relaying of our tales for things that seem important. The scholarship we won or the date we went on. The job interview we aced or dinners with our zany families. Something that feels big and meaningful, when it’s all meaningful. 

One of my favorite storytellers is Hayao Miyazaki. He’s most known for his animation, filmmaking, and being one of the founders of Studio Ghibli. Through writing, animation, and a hundred other shared artworks, he, along with his team, creates a story that’s not afraid to linger on the minutiae.

The delightful sweetness of a cup of warm milk and honey on a rainy day.

The heat of a fire in the hearth of a house full of your loved ones.

The solitude of the view from your work desk window as you toil away on some repetitive task.

All of those small things make up the full story. The fantastical elements and high stakes are not more valuable than the small everyday things in this life. Rather, the stakes are so high because you have to protect those things. The journey to slay the dragon has urgency because you want to take walks with your grandmother or enjoy your afternoon tea at your window. You want to have lunch on Wednesdays with your best friend. Don’t you? 

And even if you do, in fact, crave adventure and passion, it is made up of all those small pieces. Every day isn’t a fight to the death. You won’t find yourself battling day in and day out for over fifty years. This is not how the battle is won. You must bathe and eat, and connect with your comrades.

Studio Ghibli Eating GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Maybe you will receive a letter from home and return one in kind.

King Arthur GIF by SWR Kindernetz - Find & Share on GIPHY

You will wash your clothes and scold your companion for not packing correctly.

Kikis Delivery Service Majo No Takkybin GIF by Maudit - Find & Share on GIPHY

You will light a fire at your camp, you will fish in the stream, and, perhaps most importantly, you will dream.

Miyazaki’s work perfectly captures these feelings. The small gives value to the large and vice versa.

His storytelling feels like looking into a mirror of my vision for my work. I love the big conflicts, to portray those titanic battles between good and evil, right and wrong. But it also makes me so happy to show the joy people feel in the in-between moments. Just being with each other. Darning your sock because it has a hole in it and you can’t defeat Thanos unless you patch it. Kissing your aunt on the cheek just because you love her and, well, isn’t that why you’re fighting? To protect the people you love?

I hope that I’ll be able to further share my passion for storytelling with the world one day.

The Meme Dream: Our Cultural Legacy

Memes are art.

Thats it. Thats the post. Thanks for reading!

Well not really. A hotly debated topic like that can’t be solved with just a single micdrop line and never referenced again. I guess I have to give y’all evidence or whatever 🙄. Now of course memes aren’t typically beautiful or moving but they can be beautiful based on what they mean for us. Memes are community art. Pieces of art or media that we take part in and use together to communicate across the boundaries of time and space. Memes connect our internet culture across time, tying us with people, places, and things that are no longer with us.

They’re topical and relatable, connected to our daily life and the shared human experience in some way, shape or form. We can all relate to being thawrted by the bus driver or procrastinating when we know we shouldn’t but we’ll all express it a different way. For some, Spongebob will be the muse of expression, for other? Bad Luck Brian is just the man for the job, but then there will be others still that we have yet to discover!

More, importantly, in my opinion, Memes are historical content. They are the painstaking work of our generations saved online. The memes of current events, the memes of historical marvels, the memes of TV shows and movies and anime. They bring about the resurrection of age old media, find the lost media, and connect us around the world.

Some of my favorite memes have been collaborative works of fandom. My best examples?




I can’t explain what it is about Avengers with Acrylic Nails that makes me so happy but it really makes me happy to see these. Is it the super long acrylics? Is it the humor of seeing the unexpected in a reaction image? Is it how naturally it all fits it? I have no idea T-T. But it speaks to me. It speaks to my soul!


The meme that never was


During lockdown there were so many different memes that popped up but one that I thought was really going to blow up was the young lady doing dance aerobics during a coup! The backstory here is that she was dancing because she was filming a video for a competition. She was focused on her task and was used to military activity in the area so she had absolutely no idea of what was happening! Life is happening all around us and we are apart of it all and a part of the preservation of our history through our interactions with media.

Oh Let Me Count the Ways

When I first entered undergrad it was as an Education and Theatre double major with a goal to become a teaching artist at the local theatre I used to work with in Brooklyn. I was certain that in four years I would be a licensed teacher all while maintaining my passion for the theatre (and dramatics).

And then I took a class with Professor Dr. Precious Yamaguchi. Precious taught most of the New Media courses (what you would call Communications Technology now,  I suppose) and designed her classes in a very accessible and engaging way. She was the first professor that really let me know just how different College was from HS. I learned what it was like to have mutual respect with an educator in her class.

The class was a beginner animation course that piqued my interest and it captured my media-loving heart hook, line, and sinker (the state-of-the-art Mac lab didn’t hurt either). We learned the very, very basics of animation and how to use different software that I had only ever heard of.

I was in heaven 😍

The first day of CT101 I felt a similar sort of giddiness. Rather than being excited about starting my college career, I felt happy to be taking classes for the pure enjoyment of education. I’m someone who genuinely enjoys school, so taking a course so in line with my original major feels like taking a lap in the winner’s circle.

(And, once again, the Mac lab doesn’t hurt 🤭)

After years of doing the kind of soulless logic work I’ve grown used to the creative content in the class is like a breath of fresh air. The program I just finished had me crunching numbers in an accounting class, fumbling with SQL, and creating data tables. So, so many data tables. Taking some time to blog and collect gifs and emojis to express my rich inner thoughts? Priceless🥺

Compared to my other class I think this one is a bit more challenging as I have to be creative rather than just engage in memorization. Well, not quite memorization but right now we’re very, very, veryyyyyy slowly. We’re still working through the very first chapter we started out in , which has its value certainly, but I expected… more.

All in all, I’m looking forward to getting into the guts of blogging and creative design using WordPress. The only blogs I’ve ever engaged with were hosted on Blogger so I’m sure much has changed, but so far so good I’ll say!

To Sail the Ocean Blue

One Piece Cheering GIF by NETFLIX - Find & Share on GIPHY

This week? Piracy is making me happy. Now am I pirating anything? No way! Piracy is stealing! You wouldn’t steal a car! You wouldn’t swipe a handbag! You wouldn’t shoot Archduke Franz Ferdinand, plunging our world into a war that no one could have dreamed of! (At least I hope you wouldn’t 😰)

In the streaming era piracy is largely considered a thing of the past. Why download something and waste your digital space when you can just go to Netflix, Hulu, or any of the other 20 million streaming services? But, rather than just being a nefarious tool for evil doers to make off with the hard work of others, I see piracy, at times, as a devoted act of media preservation.

Ever since I was a kid I was a huge fan of anime, manga, art, and animation as a whole. I have fond memories of my class mates and I passing around printed scans of the latest Naruto and One Piece chapters, directly translated from Weekly Shonen Jump by the dedicated scanlation team. As a kid I never thought of this as piracy, it was just a chance for my friends and I to read the comic we loved without having to wait for the monthly Shonen Jump to come out.

A property like Naruto is highly unlikely to ever end up becoming lost to time with over 250 million copies sold, it’s unthinkable for all of them to disappear from circulation anytime soon. But any kind of media can easily become lost to time, especially now that we find ourselves fully in the Era of licensing. If you’ve ever “bought” a song or a movie online then you’ve likely just purchased a license, which allows you access to a digital product under a few different terms of service. If the company goes under, your account is banned, or TOS changes in any way, you’re out of luck!

Today with the vast array of streaming platforms, all rich with content, we have become comfortable relying on them to see our favorites year after year. But now shows are quietly disappearing from streaming with no physical copies available. Recent favorites less than a decade old are at risk of becoming lost media in a way that must be maddening for viewers and creators alike.

Now let me be clear: you, me, your mom, and kpop sensation Kim Nam-joon should all be paying for our media. We should be supporting out artists in anyway that we possibly can, but we have to face the facts that media isn’t as safe and protected as we’ve come to think it is. We need to take a more nuanced view on things.

Wink Rm GIF by BTS 방탄소년단 - Find & Share on GIPHY

For right now I’m very happy to know that media might be preserved and protected, even inadvertently, so that it can be shared with future generations. It’s impossible to save everything we love or want to see more of but we can do our best to protect our investments, both for our wallets sake and our cultures sake. What will you want to share with your kids or grandkids one day?