Assignment#3: Are Internet Memes Arts?

Why would not Internet memes be arts because ? Like any other art they are from human universe and welcomed into human universe. On the contrary they appear more complete for associating creativity, talent, skills, etc., which make the user fell being an integral part of the Game.

Like any art, internet memes are  cultural elements that attract us all around the Table while we each keep our freedom of coding, decoding and encoding.  What if we interated/assimilated/appropriated it better and quicker funnily?

1 thought on “Assignment#3: Are Internet Memes Arts?”

  1. Looking good! I like the example!
    I really like this quote too: “Like any art, internet memes are cultural elements that attract us all around the Table while we each keep our freedom of coding, decoding and encoding.”
    It would be COOL to make a meme that uses the quote !

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