Final Blog Post

This is the blog post for my final project. The website.

I wish I could make this long but I am really running out time so I’ll try and get this in as fast as possible.

I don’t expect a good grade, mostly just a 65, maybe a 70 for creativity.

My experience in this class was…rushed. I felt like I barely did anything here. Probably cause I was always more focused on my my other classes like, Math, Astronomy, Spanish, I took this class cause I wanted something easy I could take and get credits, I admit.

But this project. I had fun I’m not going to lie.

I didn’t expect to get everything I wanted done in time, but I did. So here is my presentation of


I based my site off analog horror.

I’m a big fan of those kinds of projects.


Mandela Catalogue



The main idea of these series is take a old, but relatively known concept, and created horror by showcasing how this technology can be edited or used to capture horrifying moments, all while creating a narrative of intrigue and mystery.

Analog horror has always been about the mystery of the monster/supernatural, effecting the tapes. That’s probably why after stuff like Marble Hornets and other creepypastas, ARGs (Alternate Reality Games) became a big part of it too.

Fake websites holding information about a story is a big part of ARGs and analog horror, a staple of the genre, cliche if you will, but a good one.

That’s what I tried to do here.

The story of the site is that of a fictional church, though the image of it is actually based on a real church I went to sunday school in. That underwent a shooting.

The events that take place aren’t meant to be real btw. Just don’t want to step on any toes cause I know though fictional, stories that depict shootings are under scrutiny.

However, there is more behind the scenes. If you look at the link on the very top of the site, and the alt text of the image in this post. You may be able to break the page and get in, and learn the truth.

Happy Hunting, from Mahir Huq.

As for whether or not I mantain the site. I probably will. I eventually want to fully make a ARG analog horror series, mantaining this site would at least keep it in my head.

I’ll be able to use the skills I learned in this class to make it possible to do this, so thank you.

Previous Posts:

Assignment# 7

Assignment 6#

My Passion Assignment#4

Assignment 2

Assignment# 7

I’m an avid fan of analog horror, occult, ARGs, and creepypasta so the website names I’ve come up with all have to do with some horror stories I’ve come up with.


I think these names are good because they tie into the ideas for creations I want to write while also being either scary, foreboding, or unnatural but not explanatory.

I think this site would be about posting niche projects I make, like fictional stories, homemade horror videos, art, and other stuff that I created.

Assignment 6#

Previous Blog Posts:

Assignment 2

My Passion Assignment#4

Assignment #5

How am I doing in CT101?

I think I’m doing all right currently personally.

What have I learned and retained the most?

I have learned how to present myself on the internet in a humorous manner.

What new skills have I developed , cultivated and displayed regularly in my weekly posts?

I have cultivated the ability to find or create memes that represent the meaning of my current words or emotions.

What grade do I believe I am maintaining and why do I deserve that grade? 
I think I am currently maintaining a C grade.

Do I see my weekly blogging work expanding creatively? If so, please explain why –  or am I stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time, how will I change that?

I think my blogs are expanding creatively, two weeks ago I went an impassioned rant about how good Japanese tv shows for teens are.

Are there any assignments that you are missing? If so, list them.

I am missing Assignment 1 and 2.

Are you commenting regularly on your classmates posts? Are you responding back to comments given to you by the professor & your classmates?

No…but only because I forgot your supposed to apparently do that.

Are you participating during the class time? If not, explain why.

I am participating in class time.

This is the time to be accountable. How will you make needed improvements?

Try not to be forgetful about certain parts of the assignment.

Assignment #5

  1. One assignment I believe I can accomplish at my current skill level is the Destination Poster assignment, the instructions are to make a destination poster for a place.

First I go on DDG to find an interesting landmark that catches and I’d want to go to.

Once I do I click on the image to find the source.

The image that caught my interest is this fountain with Roman Baroque-style sculptures, it is called the Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain) and is located in Italy, Rome.

First I download the image and then I go to Lunapic, my favorite image editing website.

And then I search for a font color and shape I think would match up nicely with the image and…


A destination poster.

2. Another project I don’t know how to do yet but would love to is the video game project unfortunately I cannot figure out how to make it.

My Passion Assignment#4

A topic I am passionate about is Tokusatsu. I absolutely love Mecha, Kaiju, and Transforming heroes, both American and Japanese.

My first foray into the world of Tokusatsu was when I was a kid watching shows like Power Rangers and old Godzilla movies.

I have fond memories of watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on TV when I came back home from school.

I remember when I was a kid my dad bought me a VHS tape of 1998 Godzilla.

While this version of Godzilla wasn’t the traditional version, It was the version that introduced me to Godzilla, from there I watched Godzilla vs The Astro Monster.

As grew up I slowly weaned off my liking for tokusatsu but now I’m trying to get back into it which comes to my favorite series.

Kamen Rider is a decades-old media series that started in the sixties by manga artist and TV director/writer Shotaro Ishinomori.

Following the titular character, Kamen Rider, a cybernetic warrior based on a grasshopper who was given his suit and modifications by SHOCKER, an evil Nazi Organization that wishes to revive the Third Reich, Takeshi Hongo gets kidnapped by SHOCKER and they try to brainwash him after being turned into Kamen Rider, however breaking free of SHOCKER’s grasp Takeshi Hongo decides to dedicate his life and newfound power to destroying SHOCKER, transforming into Kamen Rider through his Rider Belt and riding his motorcycle into battle.

This show was what started four important themes that resonate throughout the series still now.

1. The idea of fighting for Justice and Good.

2. The idea of using the Power Of Evil for Good.

3. Transforming with a Belt.

4. Having some sort of vehicle to ride, usually a motorcycle.

The reason why I love Kamen Rider is because of how unapologetically tropey it is.

Unlike most American superhero movies which try to appeal to adults by being more “serious” and less goofy, for example, Zack Synder’s DCEU.

Kamen Rider allows itself to be goofy and funny, from its comedy to its suits, but it also is capable of being serious at the same time.

To note again, Kamen Rider’s suits look very cool.

Kamen Rider Geats


Unlike recent American media which tries to make suits look realistic and less goofy, Kamen Rider suits are unabashedly colorful while looking goofy and badass at the same time.

Like I said before, Kamen Rider also is capable of handling serious topics despite being a show for teenagers.

Kamen Rider Gaim, who is the orange rider above, for example, is a show where the main character Kouta Kazuraba turns into an Orange-themed Samurai-based Kamen Rider. His rival is Kaito Kumon who becomes Kamen Rider Baron, a Knight-based rider whose main form is armor shaped like a banana.

And other riders and armors are just as goofy.

The show also deals with the ideas of strength, of what one must sacrifice to achieve strength, and how both strength and a lack of strength can cause a loss of morality.

Kamen Rider Build, which is considered one of the best shows in the Heisei era, deals with themes of war and conflict between nations, and how science and technological advancement can both harm and help people.

Despite the goofy exterior, the show can get dark, and gorey, as older Showa shows had monsters exploding into pieces! While that can’t slide on television anymore, there are V-Cinema, reboots, and specials where since there is a lack of restrictions on violence, the Riders can get as gory as they want.

Kamen Rider’s success to this day shows that to appeal to kids, teens, and adults, you don’t need to be serious, with a grimy atmosphere, but you can be lighthearted, goofy, and serious, dark at the same time.

Assignment 2

What did you think on the first day of the CT101?

^Me vibing with the atmosphere. Was very much happy to have a break from all the serious stuff, like MATH, and SPANISH…uuh.

Loved the easy-going vibes of this class.

I do admit I got a bit lost when I was looking for 4M03.

When I first heard about the course I initially had no clue what it was about. Kinda still don’t. I was hoping it was a creative course where I could learn how to navigate the intricacies of internet creation like videos. So far the class has met my expectations.

How does Digital Storytelling compare to my other classes? It’s not even something I have to think about about.

I’d immediately drop every other class I have to do this given the choice. That’s how much I already like this class.

The creative potential… so many possibilities… home videos, amateur animations, analog horror, web novels, creepypastas…

There are so many ways to express yourself on the internet that I can’t process it all!

How does it feel to learn new internet skills?

Amazing of course, I now can brag about my new skills to my friends and family.

Stand Proud, CT Digital Storytelling, you have been the best class for me this year so far.