I enjoyed the fact that we were able to use our creativity to the fullest. It’s not every day where you are encouraged in class to go out and experiement on things you find best to fit your way of thinking. I’ll definitely give many of these skills another try when they’re called upon. I know at some point down the road, I’ll be able to make good use of these abilites that we’ve learned. Being able to take another class like this would be amazing in the future even if it is not a requirement. It gives you a healthy dose of perspective in being able to learn how many different things are out there for you to try in your own creative ways.
I haven’t been able to work on my website I made a whole lot if I’m being honest. Having to balance out other schoolwork makes it difficult to implement enough time to even think about adding more content onto it. It would be great to not have so much work to do but things don’t come easy. When I get more time, I’ll experiment on more things but for now, I’m just going to lay off of it.
Thinking about what we did for most of the year was tough cause we had so many assignments to keep track of and it makes me scratch my head. I know we had been experimenting with ideas in terms of themed posts and all but for the most part, I only remember the mid semester recap and the mini project we did choosing what type of project we would like to do where we would post a blog on a specific theme we chose.
Not sure what else to really speak about if I am being honest so I will just scatter all sorts of hyperlinks from every post I’ve made.
Here’s a post I just made down below! (Sorry for the poor quality, the PNG won’t capture in proper size)

That’s pretty much what I’ve got, I don’t have much else to make as I’m going to be on vacation by the end of this week so I will wrap up here. I had an amazing time being in this class and getting to see such creative talent in so many people, hope everyone has a wonderful summer break!
Thank you!
It was indeed a fun semester filled with tons of creative flow!
You have completed and contributed some great work to the CT101 Bloggesphere!
The skills learned will always be awaiting your commands, ready to execute and generate, all you have to do is direct where you wish them to flow!
Many thanks!
Have a great summer and enjoy your vacation!