Yay! I must say, I am super excited about my new WordPress website. While I can’t speak for anyone else, as a senior, my stress levels are through the roof right now. I realized I didn’t have a proper portfolio showcasing all my published work. That’s where my website, lkedoo.com, comes in. I created it as a platform to share my story and showcase my work. Lkedoo.com

The first page features a painting of me, with a bag in my hand which represents my Journalistic nature. The two mountains in the horizon are the Blue Mountain Peaks in Jamaica and a representation of my heritage.

I decided that I wanted to stick with the 2024 WordPress best Theme which minimalistic approach since I will be using this for professional reasons.
The page that links to my second page is my portfolio which I will be adding my work into. Especially articles that I have written and should house future articles. The link to the second page

Overall, I was stressed out about the process. But after getting it done. I felt like I accomplished a lot and a step closer to my ultimate goal which also includes a ask Kedoo bar, in the future, users will be able to ask me questions directly.

I also added in some interesting facts and stuff to make my page more cohesive.
Greetings classmate!
Great blog, same being a senior and it having to be our last class here at york feels so unreal at times as we come to a end. Overall i hope you had a wonderful semester.I love how organzie your post is. Jamaica is a place i would like to visit especially coming from the caribbean. Gottah love the islands!
thanks for sharing your post with us!
Thank You very much. I totally understand! right now the rush is insane.
Thank you so much!
The potentials are endless!
Keep it going!
So luckyy to be a senior and awesome website I saw the final product. It looks very professional.