What’s been making me happy on the internet

What’s been making me happy on the internet was watching how people on reddit have been influencing the stock market drastically by making the stock for GameStop rise tremendously and how they were even trying to do the same with amc ripping off the hedge funders that were basically betting on the death of  GameStop. Hers a meme that relates to this from reddit,

r/stockmarketmemes - A storm is coming

1 thought on “What’s been making me happy on the internet”

  1. Good work on your first post! I have been following this topic as well!
    One of our ct101 classmates in the Tuesday section wrote a great post on this topic too – please check it out! (and leave a comment)

    John’s post is a great example of how to expand your posts by adding hyperlinks and related media to make the post engaging – the beauty of wordpress is that we can always edit and add more to our posts each week or anytime!

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