HEllo everyone
You already know what time it is!!

Thus far CT101 has been a very intresting class yet im learning a lot.This is such a great expeince to help us learn how to write blogs and explore diffrent types of memes or gifs that i enjoy learning about and using because i use memes/ gifs on a daily basis through social media and text and other social platforms such as facebook and instagram and Snapchat.

I personally enjoy coming to class and waking up every morning to be here. Because the professor lectures isnt boring at all. He goes through everything one by one. And if you dont know something he explains it. He doesnt rush through the lecture which i like.
This week i created a poster for the month of October since the best thing in october is halloween. And halloween equals candy and who doesnt like sweets!!
I use Canva.com to help create this post!
also use MMM.PAGE to help create.

This one was use MMM.PAGE as a influrence not sure what it is just a random thought and piece created with inspirtaion.
Currently still working on it and the website not sure why its not allowing me to work from my laptop and just on my phone by thus far this is what i have i still have a lot to edit and add unto my page and this isnt what i wanted it to look like but the link only last 6hours so i belive it does expired