I have been on the internet for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I used to wait until my mom got off the landline to grab the telephone cord and plug it into the modem. Then I used to pop my AOL CD into the slot and listen to the nostalgic sound that follows (brace your ears if you’ve never heard it)
I would rush online to play games made from my favorite cartoons on websites like www.Disneychannel.com and www.cartoonnetwork.com. I would play every game in their catalogs until I was content with my dominance, which was probably around bedtime. These daily moments would shape my life drastically and transform me into the computer connoisseur that I am today. My infatuation with the internet has only increased since then and I now spend hours everyday glued to my computer chair surfing the web like this guy.
One thing that is really making me happy this week is that I decided to start streaming on Twitch finally. I play a few PC games online and I have been hesitating on starting my channel due to heavy procrastination on my part. I finally decided to buckle down and start my channel and it has given me quite the boost in energy in a couple different aspects of life. My favorite game to play is League of Legends and Im currently on my grind to Platinum. If you’re ever bored you should stop by My Twitch and say hi!
Good work on this!
Nice job embedding the audio and sharing hyperlinks!
Lets add a few visual examples of images or video to further support.