Me and my bestfriend, after telling him I created a domain for his clothing line

I had an easy experience creating a domain thanks to Professor Seslow’s recorded video on zoom. The video was self explanatory, all you had to do is watch the recording and follow along.

Me Following Professor Seslow’s zoom video


So far everything is good. I’m looking forward to what next !

1 thought on “”

  1. Hello,
    Ok, Thank you – first – none of the GIFs are animating in this post. Do you remember why? We need to fix this so that the media is working correctly. This process was covered many many times during our first few classes, you may want to revisit the GIF making assignment’s video recording :)))
    Also, this post is simply not long enough. We are here in week 11. Our blogging work should be far expanding beyond 3 sentences and 3 images. How can you expand upon this? Practice. I would revisit the video recordings and also spend a bit more time looking at and reading the blog posts of your classmates as they will help fuel ideas and give inspiration.
    Keep in touch and let me know if I can help.

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