Assignment#8 by Sajani Sufian

I finally registered my domain! Following Professor Ryan’s instructions, I was able to smoothly complete the registration.

It was not difficult at all as I thought it would be. Reclaim hosting took me step by step to complete the basic registration process. I took notes of the username and password that I created.  I was nervous because I thought creating a website must be very difficult. Now I have it, it’s there! I cannot wait to start blogging.

I chose my final domain name among a few which I considered last week. This week, following professor Ryan’s tutorial I registered that domain for free using reclaim hosting. I downloaded WordPress on my laptop, which will help me to customize and administrate my site. The entire time I was excited still I paid full attention to our professor’s tutorial because I did not want to miss any important part of the process. He went through the steps about how to upload images as my site icon, background image, how to create a logo, etc; but I am not sure which images to put there yet. So, for now I left it as it is. I do not think I want a site title, so I checked off the display of a title for my site. The WP administration gives me access to make necessary edit to my site and after our last session, I know how to access my domain.

Now it’s out there in the internet world! 🙂 But I am going to take my time customizing it. I have started to think how to customize it.  Any suggestions for site icons are welcome! 

6 thoughts on “Assignment#8 by Sajani Sufian”

  1. Hey Sajani, I enjoy reading your blog post. What is the name of your website and what is your website about? I can give you suggestions if I had more insight into the theme of your website. Always be yourself and always be creative when designing your online portfolio.

    1. Hey, thank you! I didn’t share my website yet because I left it as it is lol. I am going to share the link as soon as I am done customizing it. I am still thinking about what to put as my background/site icon/ etc. And, it is going to be my writing blog!

  2. Great work on this! We will dig into the 1st series of customizing things tomorrow in class!

    PS- did you download a “local” version of wordpress from to your laptop? Or did you mean that you installed wordpress by following my demonstration video? Thank you!

      1. Ok perfect! Thank you!
        I asked because there is a way to install a “local” version of wordpress to one’s own computer, but it is a slightly more rigorous and technical series of steps. The last time I tried it that way I struggled, haha it took me hours – the way we learned is way faster!

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