I have to say, collages were never really my thing. That being said, I had a blast with this assignment. It’s just fun to be creative, and truth be told, my creative muscles desperately need the exercise.

I didn’t really put any planning or forethought into this collage, it was very much a spur of the moment, go with my gut type deal where I tried to put a concept into form. It was super easy to just get into the zone, and though the finished piece doesn’t have much technical skill, I enjoyed the process a lot.
Without much further ado, here’s my collage:
My idea, vaguely, is the interplay between our past and future. As a history buff, I’ve read a lot about the various conflicts and periods of intense suffering humanity as a whole has gone through. Wars, famine, genocide, disasters. Our time on this Earth is so painfully little, and we’ve spent most of it at each other’s throats. But at the same time, despite that, we’ve never stopped progressing, never stopped advancing and reaching higher and higher than ever before. Think of the world right now, and how unimaginably baffling it would all be to someone who lived 500 years ago. Imagine how it’d feel for us to see the world 500 years from now?
So, in essence, while mankind has to carry the weight of our mistakes with us, we also have dreams of aspiring higher and higher, understanding ourselves and the world we live in.
Great work on the mmm page collage!
You must take a screen shot and include the visual image here, it will look great embedded into this post.
What did you think of figma?