We’ve unfortunately reached the end of CT101 and it’s a shame that this semester went by so fast! This class was such a fun time and it feels like we barely go to do anything in the class because of all the vacations and us only meeting once a week. This was such a fun class to be apart of and it’s one of the classes I’m going to look back on as something that was a blast to be apart of!

In this class, I learned a lot of things that I thought were impossible as funny as it sounds. Before walking into this class, I thought making memes was a difficult thing to do. I had always wanted to be someone that made memes and made it look easy but I never knew how to and nobody ever showed me how to. Within a week of being in this class, I was making memes like no tomorrow and it was something that I had a blast doing! I felt like a little kid making so many goofy memes in class for our blog posts and it made the class so much fun that I could literally do whatever I wanted to do with my posts. The freedom to do whatever I wanted is a privilege that I was more than happy to take advantage of.

In this class, I also learned that things on the internet can have more than one meaning. One of the key posts that we made for this class was the one for Week 3 titled “Are Memes Art?”. I loved doing this assignment because it asked a really good question that I guarantee ten people will not have the same answer to. And doing this assignment really put some things into perspective for me. I learned that anything that I create can be viewed any way that I want it to. If I were to say that something was art, nobody could tell me otherwise because it was how I felt and learning that was something that was rather fascinating.

But of course the major thing that we learned in this class is to create our very own website. This experience was challenging to say the least. I didn’t think it would be easy but getting this website to a state that I was somewhat satisfied with was not easy. If I’m being honest, I’m still not satisfied with the way the website turned out. The process started out simple enough with registering our domain names. I was able to get set up quickly and everything was going smoothly. Get my website had gotten shut down because of a glitch with WordPress and I wasn’t able to work on the site all throughout Spring Break because of this and so when we got back, I had very little time to work on the website. But I think that I did a fairly decent job for all of the obstacles thrown at me.

For one, I never thought that my website would look as good as this. This is something that I thought would be absolutely impossible to accomplish and I did it by myself. Regardless of the grade that I get, I am glad that I was able to bring this website to life.
The website isn’t as advanced as I would’ve wanted it to be but there are some things there that I am very happy that I have. For one, I thought it would be a good idea to use my movie reviews that I included in the website as my blog posts and I did four of those. This was one that I included of me reviewing
The Strangers: Chapter One!
Something else that I am very proud of is that I was able to make a shortcut that allows visitors of our website to go straight to the Youtube channel! Again, this might seem like something small, but it’s something that I’ve done on everybody else’s website and to be able to do that on my very own website is something that I think is honestly awesome!
As for the grade that I deserve in this class, I would unfortunately have to say maybe a high C+ or a very low B-. For one, I didn’t do assignment 5 which I know was an important one and I’m disappointed with myself because I think if I had done that assignment, it would’ve came out pretty great. Another reason for this is because of how long I put off doing the work and how rushed the work in the end ended up being. I have no excuse for how some of these assignments ended up turning out and the only thing I could say is that I put off doing the work for so long that it ended up affecting the final results big time (just look at what time I posted this and it explains it all). So if I were to receive the grades that I said or even lower, I wouldn’t be surprised at all.
As I said before, the thing I enjoyed the most about this class was being able to just express myself how I wanted creatively. I think my favorite blog post that we did this semester was
Assignment 4. This was my favorite thing that we did because you literally asked me in a nutshell, “What do you love the most in this world? Write about it.” and I went ahead and put so much effort into that blog post. It felt amazing to talk about how much I love film and music because it’s something that I normally keep to myself on a day to day basis and so to be able to do that in a open space felt great!
I think I want to apply the skills I learned in this class by helping people. If I find out my friends or anyone in general are starting up businesses and they need a website or if they just wanted to make a website, I would attempt to use the skills that I obtained in this class to help them get their names out there to the public. Not only would I be helping someone but I would feel good knowing that everything that was taught to me in this course wouldn’t go to waste. That’s for sure the main way that I would use my skills in this class if the opportunity every came knocking.
I’m not sure if I will maintain and keep the website that I have made. Yes it was something that I wanted to do and I still want to. It would be amazing for me and my friends to have a website for our brand. However, I just don’t think I’m going to be able to actually maintain it. For one, next semester is my final semester and so I want to put all of my time into that. Plus, me and my friends are doing everything we can to make sure that our
Youtube channel and
Instagram page are thriving as strong as possible and I don’t think I will be able to give both of those my full attention if I’m attempting to figure out WordPress and how to make the website as strong as I’d like it to be. If I change my mind, I know that the website will always be there for me to go back to.
Published Posts from the course:
Thank you!
Great work on this, a very thoughtful and reflective assessment indeed!
Great work on your site too! Keep it going!
I love the curated assortment of memes here!
Have a great summer!
Thank you so much professor! I’ll consider it! Enjoy the summer!
Thank you! Be well, Tyler!